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今月の臨床 性感染症と母子感染─最新の診断と管理

性感染症 最新の診断と治療


著者: 笹川寿之1

所属機関: 1金沢医科大学・産科婦人科

ページ範囲:P.32 - P.40



●疣や乳頭腫の診断,CINの予後推定や管理にはHPV genotypingが必要である.

●子宮頸癌スクリーニングには,高リスク型を一括して調べるHC-2法,アンプリコアHPV法があり,最近Cervista®法,Cobas®4800法,BD HPV法,APTIMA®法などがでてきた.




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6) Prieto MAR, Gutiérrez JV, Sambucety PS : Vestibular papillae of the vulva. Int J Dermatol 43 : 143─144, 2004
7) 笹川寿之 : 外陰部疣贅(尖圭コンジローマと外陰部上皮内新生物).女性性器感染症(岩破一博編).pp170─179,医学書院,2012
8) 笹川寿之 : ヒトパピローマウイルスとハイブリッドキャプチャー(hybrid capture)法.臨床検査,2011
9) Mo LZ, Monnier-Benoit S, Kantelip B, et al : Comparison of AMPLICOR and Hybrid Capture II assays for high risk HPV detection in normal and abnormal liquid-based cytology : use of INNO-LiPA Genotyping assay to screen the discordant results. J Clin Virol 41 : 104─110, 2008
10) Kinney W, Stoler MH, Castle PE : Special commentary : patient safety and the next generation of HPV DNA tests. Am J Clin Pathol 134 : 193─199, 2010
11) Arbyn M, Roelens J, Cuschieri K, et al : The APTIMA HPV assay versus the hybrid capture 2 test in triage of women with ASC-US or LSIL cervical cytology : A meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy. Int J Cancer 132 : 101─108, 2013
12) Szarewski A, Mesher D, Cadman L, et al : Comparison of seven tests for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women with abnormal smears : the Predictors 2 study. J Clin Microbiol 50 : 1867─1873, 2012
13) Ogilvie GS, Krajden M, van Niekerk DJ, et al : Primary cervical cancer screening with HPV testing compared with liquid-based cytology : results of round 1 of a randomised controlled trial-the HPV FOCAL Study. Br J Cancer 107 : 1917─1924, 2012
14) Sasagawa T, Basha W, Yamazaki H, et al : High-risk and multiple human papillomavirus infections associated with cervical abnormalities in Japanese women. Cancer Epi Bio Prev 10 : 45─52, 2001
15) Quint W, Jenkins D, Molijn A, et al : One virus, one lesion-individual components of CIN lesions contain a specific HPV type. J Pathol 227 : 62─71, 2012
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17) Fairley CK, Hocking JS, Gurrin LC, et al : Rapid decline in presentations of genital warts after the implementation of a national quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination programme for young women. Sex Transm Infect 85 : 499─502, 2009
18) Forcier M, Musacchio N. An overview of human papillomavirus infection for the dermatologist : disease, diagnosis, management, and prevention. Dermatol Ther 23 : 458─476, 2010





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