今月の臨床 性感染症と母子感染─最新の診断と管理
母子感染 最新の管理法
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4) Ross SA, Novak Z, Pati S, et al : Mixed infection and strain diversity in congenital cytomegalovirus infection. J Infect Dis 204 : 1003─1007, 2011
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6) Hyde TB, Schmid DS, Cannon MJ : Cytomegalovirus seroconversion rates and risk factors : implications for congenital CMV. Rev Med Virol 20 : 311─326, 2010
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14) Fowler KB, McCollister FP, Dahle AJ, et al : Progressive and fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss in children with asymptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection. J Pediat 130 : 624─630, 1997
15) Boppana SB, Fowler KB, Britt WJ, et al : Symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection in infants born to mothers with preexisting immunity to cytomegalovirus. Pediatrics 104 : 55─60, 1999
16) Wreghitt TG, Teare EL, Sule O, et al : Cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompetent patients. Clin Infect Dis 37 : 1603─1606, 2003
17) Gonce A, Marcos MA, Borrell A, et al : Maternal IgM antibody status in confirmed fetal cytomegalovirus infection detected by sonographic signs. Prenat Diagn 32 : 817─821, 2012
18) Bodeus M., Van Ranst M, Bernard P, et al : Anticytomegalovirus IgG avidity in pregnancy : a 2-year prospective study. Fetal Diagn Ther 17 : 362─366, 2002
19) Kanengisser-Pines B, Hazan Y, Pines G, et al : High cytomegalovirus IgG avidity is a reliable indicator of past infection in patients with positive IgM detected during the first trimester of pregnancy. J Perinat Med 37 : 15─18, 2009
20) Lesprit P, Scieux C, Lemann M, et al : Use of the cytomegalovirus(CMV) antigenemia assay for the rapid diagnosis of primary CMV infection in hospitalized adults. Clin Infect Dis 26 : 646─650, 1998
21) American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists : Perinatal viral and parasitic infections. Practice Bulletin No. 20. September, 2000
22) Liesnard C, Donner C, Brancart F, et al : Prenatal diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus infection : prospective study of 237 pregnancies at risk. Obstet Gynecol 95 : 881─888, 2000
23) Yamamoto R, Ishii K, Shimada M, et al : Significance of maternal screening for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus infection in cases of fetal growth restriction. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2012[Epub ahead of print]
24) Jacquemard F, Yamamoto M, Costa JM, et al : Maternal administration of valaciclovir in symptomatic intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection. BJOG 114 : 1113─1121, 2007
25) Nigro G, Adler SP, La Torre R, et al : Passive immunization during pregnancy for congenital cytomegalovirus infection. N Engl J Med 353 : 1350─1362, 2005
26) 山田秀人 : 胎内治療の現況(1)サイトメガロウイルス感染.母子保健情報61 : 33─39,2010
27) Schleiss MR : Cytomegalovirus vaccine development. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 325 : 361─382, 2008
28) Pass RF, Zhang C, Evans A, et al : Vaccine prevention of maternal cytomegalovirus infection. N Engl J Med 360 : 1191─1199, 2009