今月の臨床 ART成功の秘訣─どうすれば妊娠率は向上するか
●高倍率下で精子の微細構造を観察し,核形の良好な精子を選別する,いわゆるIMSI(intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection)の採用.
●偏光顕微鏡下で紡錘体を可視し,紡錘体を指標に,紡錘体損傷を回避するためのSL-ICSI(spindle localization-ICSI)の採用.
●IX-ROBO polarシステムは,レリーフコントラスト,IMSI,SL-ICSIが一連の流れで短時間かつスムーズな操作性がある.高度なICSI操作のサポートが可能な装置.
●偏光顕微鏡下で紡錘体を可視し,紡錘体を指標に,紡錘体損傷を回避するためのSL-ICSI(spindle localization-ICSI)の採用.
●IX-ROBO polarシステムは,レリーフコントラスト,IMSI,SL-ICSIが一連の流れで短時間かつスムーズな操作性がある.高度なICSI操作のサポートが可能な装置.
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3) Berkovitz A,Eltes F,Yaari S, et al : The morphological normalcy of the spermnucleus and pregnancy rate of intracytoplasmic injection with morphologically selected sperm. Hum Reprod 20 : 185─190, 2004
4) Berkovitz A, Eltes F, Ellenbogen A, et al : Does the presence of nuclear vacuoles inhuman sperm selected for ICSI affect pregnancy outcome? Hum Reprod 21 : 1787─1790, 2006
5) Hardarson Th, Lundin K, Hamberge L : The position of the metaphase II spindle cannot be predicted by the location of the first polar body in the human oocyte. Human Reprod 15 : 1372─1376, 2000
6) Hyun CS, Cha JH, Son WY, et al : Optimal ICSI timing after the first polar body extrusion in in vitro maturedhuman oocytes. Hum Reprod 22 : 1991─1995, 2007
7) 上野 智,内山一男,加藤恵一,他 : ICSI時精子選択法として,IMSI及びHBAを用いた際の精子DNA損傷化率の評価.日受精着床会誌29 : 9─12, 2012
8) Setti AS, Figueira Rde C, Braga DP, et al : intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection Benefits for patients with oligoasthenozoospermia according to the 2010 World Health Organization reference values. Fertil Steril 95 : 2711─2714, 2011
9) Kenz K, zorn B, Tomazevic T, et al : The IMSI procedure improves poor embryo development in the same infertile couples with poor semen quality : a comparative prospective randomized study. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 29 : 123, 2011
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13) Wang WH, Meng L, Hackett RJ, et al : The spindle observation and its relationship with fertilization after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in living human oocytes. Fertil Steril 75 : 348─353, 2001
14) Cohen Y, Malcov M, Schwartz T, et al : Spindle imaging : a new marker for optimal timing of ICSI? Human Reprod 19 : 649─654, 2004
15) 京谷利彦,他 : Polscorpe(OosightTM Imaging system®)を用いたICSI後の胚発生評価.日受精着床会誌26 : 102─105, 2009
16) 北条浩也,福永憲隆,永井里利佳,他 : 紡錘体はICSIのタイミングの指標となるか?日受精着床会誌26 : 24─27, 2009
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