今月の臨床 ART成功の秘訣─どうすれば妊娠率は向上するか
●近年,胚発生の過程を動画として観察できるtime-lapse cinematographyの開発により新しい知見が次々と得られるようになり,従来の胚評価法の再考が求められる時期に来ている.
●近年,胚発生の過程を動画として観察できるtime-lapse cinematographyの開発により新しい知見が次々と得られるようになり,従来の胚評価法の再考が求められる時期に来ている.
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3) Gardner DK, Schoolcraft WB : Toward reproductive certainty : fertility and genetics beyond. pp378─388, Parthenon Publishing, Cornforth, UK,1999
4) Mio Y : Morphological analysis of human embryonic development using time-lapse cinematography. J Mamm Ova Res 23 : 27─35, 2006
5) Alikani M, Cohen J, Tomkin G, et al : Human embryo fragmentation in vitro and its implications for pregnancy and implantation. Fertil Steril 71 : 836─842, 1999
6) Shoukir Y, Campana A, Farley T, et al : Early cleavage of in-vitro fertilized human embryos to the 2-cell stage : a novel indicator of embryo quality and viability. Hum Reprod 7 : 1531─1536, 1997
7) Braude P, Bolton V, Moore S, et al : Human gene expression first occurs between the four-and eight-cell stages of preimplantation development. Nature 332 : 459─461, 1988
8) Khurram SR, Orhan B, Martin L, et al : Late stages of embryo progression are a much better predictor of clinical pregnancy than early cleavage in intracytoplasmic sperm injection and in vitro fertilization cycles with blastocyst-stage transfer. Fertil Steril 87 : 1041─1052, 2007