今月の臨床 多胎妊娠管理の最新スタンダード─ガイドラインを踏まえて
1) Roque H, Lockwood CJ : Monoamniotic twin pregnancy. UpToDate, Wolters Kluwer, Waltham, MA, USA, accessed on June 16, 2013
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8) Heyborne KD, Porreco RP, Garite TJ, et al : Improved perinatal survival of monoamniotic twins with intensive inpatient monitoring. Am J Obstet Gynecol 192 : 96─101, 2005
9) Umur A, van Gemert MJC, Nikkels PGJ : Monoamniotic-versus diamniotic-monochorionic twin placentas : Anastomoses and twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 189 : 1325─1329, 2003
10) Hack KEA, van Gemert MJC, Lopriore E, et al : Placental characteristics of monoamniotic twin pregnancies in relation to perinatal outcome. Placenta 30 : 62─65, 2009
11) Frisch L, Groisman G, Hallak M : First trimester diagnosis of forked cord in monoamniotic twin pregnancy. Placenta 32 : 1057─1059, 2011
12) Rossi AC, Prefumo F : Impact of cord entanglement on perinatal outcome of monoamniotic twins : a systematic review of the literature. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 41 : 131─135, 2013
13) Lewi L : Opinion : Cord entanglement in monoamniotic twins : does it really matter? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 35 : 139─141, 2010
14) Baxi LV, Walsh CA : Monoamniotic twins in contemporary practice : a single-center study of perinatal outcomes. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 23 : 506─510, 2010
15) Asada K, Horikoshi T, Nagamatsu T, et al : The optimal timing of delivery of monoamniotic twin pregnancies. The 1st Taiwan-Korea-Japan Symposium in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. August, 2011
16) Morikawa M, Yamada T, Yamada T, et al : Prospective risk of intrauterine fetal death in monoamniotic twin pregnancies. Twin Res Hum Genet 15 : 522─526, 2012