今月の臨床 女性骨盤底外科手術Up to Date―増加する患者への対応を学ぶ
1) Amid PK : Classification of biomaterials and their related complications in abdominal wall hernia surgery. Hernia 1 : 15-21, 1997
2) The TVM Group : Berrocal J, Clave H, Cosson M, et al : Conceptual advances in the surgicalmanagement of genital prolapse. The TVM technique emergence. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 33 : 577-587, 2004
3) 竹山政美,成本一隆 : TVMテクニックII より安全な骨盤臓器脱メッシュ手術を求めて.金原出版,2012
4) http://www.fda.gov/medicaldevices/safety/alertsandnotices/publichealthnotifications/ucm061976.htm
5) American Urogynecologic Society's Guidelines Development Committee : Guidelines for providing privileges and credentials to physicians for transvaginal placement of surgical mesh for pelvic organ prolapse. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg 18 : 194-197, 2012
6) Haylen BT, Freeman RM, Swift SE, et al : An International Urogynecological Association(IUGA)/International Continence Society(ICS) joint terminology and classification of the complications related directly to the insertion of prostheses(meshes, implants, tapes)& grafts in female pelvic floor surgery. Int Urogynecol J 22 : 3-15, 2011 http://www.iuga2012.com/program/syllabus/syllabus19_haylen3.pdf
7) Altman D, et al : for the Nordic Transvaginal Mesh Group : Anterior colporrhaphy versus transvaginal mesh for pelvic-organ prolapse. N Engl J Med 364 : 1826-1836, 2011