今月の臨床 婦人科がんの予防戦略と早期診断
1) (社)日本産婦人科医会刊「ベセスダシステム2001準拠子宮頸部細胞診報告様式の理解のために」,2008
2) Manos MM, Kinney WK, Hurley LB, Sherman ME, Shieh-Ngai J, Kurman RJ, Ransley JE, Fetterman BJ, Hartinger JS, McIntosh KM, Pawlick GF, Hiatt RA : Identifying women with cervical neoplasia : using human papillomavirus DNA testing for equivocal Papanicolaou results. JAMA 281 : 1605─1610, 1999
3) Ho GY, Bierman R, Beardsley L, et al : Natural history of cervicovaginal papillomavirus infection in young women. N Engl J Med 338 : 423─428, 1998
4) Bergeron C, Jeannel D, Poveda J, et al : Human papillomavirus testing in women with mild cytologic atypia. Obstet Gynecol 95(6 Pt 1) : 821─827, 2000
5) Solomon D, Schiffman M, Tarone R : Comparison of three management strategies for patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance : baseline results from a randomized trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 93 : 293─299, 2001
6) 柴田美由紀,荒井祐司,古田則行,他 : 子宮頸部細胞診における異型扁平上皮細胞(ASC ; ベセスダシステム2001)の臨床的意義.日本臨床細胞学会雑誌46 : 211─215,2007
7) Wright TC Jr, Massad LS, Dunton CJ, et al : 2006 American Society For Colposcopy And Cervical Pathology-sponsored Consensus Conference. 2006 consensus guidelines for the management of women with abnormal cervical cancer screening tests. Am J Obstet Gynecol 197 : 346─355, 2007
8) Matsumoto K, Oki A, Furuta R, et al : Predicting the Progression of Cervical Precursor Lesions by Human Papillomavirus Genotyping : A Prospective Cohort Study. Int J Cancer, 2010
9) 坂本穆彦 : ベセスダシステム概説.臨床検査54 : 111─117,2010
10) 坂本穆彦 編 : 子宮頸部細胞診ベセスダシステム運用の実際.医学書院,東京,2010
11) 平井康夫 監訳 : ベセスダシステム2001アトラス.日本シュプリンガー社,東京,2007