合併増大号 今月の臨床 生殖医療の進歩と課題─安全性の検証から革新的知見まで
●ヒト初期胚発生過程の動的解析を目的としてtime-lapse cinematography(TLC)を構築し,さまざまなヒト初期胚発生動態を捉えることに成功した.
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2) Adachi Y, et al : Analysis of physiological process in early stage of human embryos after ICSI using time-lapse cinematography. J Mamm Ova Res 22 : 64─70, 2005
3) Mio Y : Morphological analysis of human embryonic development using time-lapse cinematography. J Mamm Ova Res 23 : 27─35, 2006
4) Mio Y, Maeda K : Time-lapse cinematography of dynamic changes occurring during in vitro development of human embryos. Am J Obstet Gynecol 199 : 660. e1─5, 2008
5) Mio Y, Iwata K, Yumoto K, et al : Possible mechanism of polyspermy block in human oocytes observed by time-lapse cinematography. J Assist Reprod Genet 29 : 951─956, 2012
6) Maro B, Johnson MH, Pickering SJ, et al : Changes in actin distribution fertilization of the mouse egg. J Embryol Exp Morphol 81 : 211─237, 1984
7) Payne D, Flaherty SP, Barry MF, et al : Preliminary observations on polar body extrusio and pronuclear formation in human oocytes using time-lapse video cinematography. Hum Reprod 12 : 532─541, 1997
8) Simerly C, Wu GJ, Zoran S, et al : The paternal inheritance of centrosome, the cell’s microtubule organizing center, in humans, and the implications for infertility. Nat Med 1 : 47─52, 1995
9) Van Blerkom J, Davis P, Alexander S : Differential mitochondrial distribution in human pronuclear embryos leads to disproportionate inheritance between blastmeres : relationship to microtublar organization, ATP content and competence. Hum Reprod 15 : 2621─2633, 2000
10) Veeck L : Atlas of human gametes and conceptuses. Parthenon Publishing Group, New York, 1999
11) Alikani M, Cohen J, Tomkin G, et al : Human embryo fragmentation in vitro and its implications for pregnancy and implantation. Fertil Steril 71 : 836─842, 1999