合併増大号 今月の臨床 生殖医療の進歩と課題─安全性の検証から革新的知見まで
●細胞呼吸 : 細胞が外部から取り入れた酸素や酸素以外の酸化剤を用いて,養分を分解してエネルギーを発生させる生物現象.
●電気化学計測 : 化学物質の性質を電気的に計測する方法.局所領域における生体反応を高感度・リアルタイムに計測できる.
●走査型電気化学顕微鏡 : マイクロ電極をプローブとして,目的試料の上部や近傍を走査し,プローブ電流を検出する装置.
●電気化学計測 : 化学物質の性質を電気的に計測する方法.局所領域における生体反応を高感度・リアルタイムに計測できる.
●走査型電気化学顕微鏡 : マイクロ電極をプローブとして,目的試料の上部や近傍を走査し,プローブ電流を検出する装置.
1) Veeck LL : Atlas of the human oocyte and early conceptus, vol 2. Williams&Wilkins Co, Baltimore, 1991
2) Gardner DK, Scoolcraft WB : Towards reproductive certainty : infertiliy and genetics beyond. In vitro culture of human blastocysts, Jansen R, Mortimer D(eds),pp378─389, Carnforth, Parthenon Press, 1999
3) Overstrom EW : In vitro assessment of embryo viability. Theriogenology 45 : 3─16, 1996
4) Rieger D, Loskutoff NM : Changes in the metabolism of glucose, pyruvate, glutamine and glycine during maturation of cattle oocytes in vitro. J Reprod Fertil 100 : 257─262, 1994
5) Gopichandran N, Leese HJ : Metabolic characterization of the bovine blastocyst, inner cell mass, trophectoderm and blastocoel fluid. Reproduction 126 : 299─308, 2003
6) Thompson JG, McNaughton C, Gasparrini B, et al : Effect of inhibitors and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation during compaction and blastulation of bovine embryos cultured in vitro. J Reprod Fertil 118 : 47─55, 2000
7) Trimarchi JR, Liu L, Porterfield DM, et al : Oxidative phosphorylation-dependent and -independent oxygen consumption by individual preimplantation mouse embryos. Biol Reprod 62 : 1866─1874, 2000
8) Houghton FD, Thompson JG, Kennedy CJ, et al : Oxygen consumption and energy metabolism of the early mouse embryo. Mol Reprod Dev 44 : 476─485, 1996
9) Land SC, Porterfied DM, Sanger RH : The self-referencing oxygen-selective microelectrode : Detection of transmembrane oxygen flux from single cells. J Exp Biol 202 : 211─218, 1999
10) Smith PJS, Hammar K, Porterfield DM, et al : Self-referencing, non-invasive, ion selective electrode for single cell detection of trans-plasma membrane calcium flux. Microsc Res Tech 46 : 398─417, 1999
11) Lopes AS, Larsen LH, Ramsing N, et al : Respiration rates of individual bovine in vitro-produced embryos measured with a novel, non-invasive and highly sensitive microsensor system. Reproduction 130 : 669─679, 2005
12) Bard AJ, Mirkin MV : Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001
13) Shiku H, Matsue T, Uchida I : Oxygen consumption of single bovine embryos probed with scanning electrochemical microscopy. Anal Chem 68 : 1276─1278, 1996
14) Oyamatsu D, Kanaya N, Shiku H, et al : Electrochemical/photochemical formation of enzyme patterns on glass substrates using a scanning electrochemical/confocal microscope. Sens Actuat B 91 : 199─204, 2003
15) Abe H, Shiku H, Aoyagi S, et al : In vitro culture and evaluation of embryos for production of high quality bovine embryos. J Mamm Ova Res 21 : 22─30, 2004
16) Shiku H, Shiraishi T, Ohya H, et al : Oxygen consumption of single bovine embryos probed with scanning electrochemical microscopy. Anal Chem 73 : 3751─3758, 2001
17) Shiku H, Shiraishi T, Aoyagi S, et al : Respiration activity of single bovine embryos entrapped in cone-shaped microwell monitored by scanning electrochemical microscopy. Anal Chim Acta 522 : 51─58, 2004
18) Abe H, Shiku H, Yokoo M, et al : Evaluating the quality of individual embryos with a non-invasive and highly sensitive measurement of oxygen consumption by scanning electrochemical microscopy. J Reprod Dev 52(Suppl) : S55─S64, 2006
19) Shiku H, Torisawa Y, Takagi A, et al : Metabolic and enzymatic activities of individual cells, spheroids and embryos as a function of the sample size. Sens Actuat B 108 : 597─602, 2005
20) Abe H : A non-invasive and sensitive method for measuring cellular respiration with a scanning electrochemical microscopy to evaluate embryo quality. J Mamm Ova Res 24 : 70─78, 2007
21) Utsunomiya T, Goto K, Nasu M, et al : Evaluating the quality of human embryos with a measurement of oxygen consumption by scanning electrochemical microscopy. J Mamm Ova Res 25 : 2─7, 2008
22) 後藤香里,小池 恵,熊迫陽子,他 : 電気化学的吸計測技術におけるヒト胚クオリティー評価と安全性.日受精着床会誌27 : 53─58,2010