合併増大号 今月の臨床 生殖医療の進歩と課題─安全性の検証から革新的知見まで
1) Loren AW, Mangu PB, Beck LN, et al : Fertility preservation for patients with cancer : American Society of Oncology clinical practice guideline update. J Clin Oncol 31 : 2500─2510, 2013
2) Donnez J, Dolmans MM, Pellicer A, et al : Restoration of ovarian activity and pregnancy after transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue : a review of 60 cases of reimplantation. Fertil Steril 99 : 1503─1513, 2013
3) Donnez J, Silber S, Andersen CY, et al : Children born after autotransplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue. A review of 13 live birth. Ann Med 43 : 437─450, 2011
4) Van Eyck AS, Bouzin C, Feron O, et al : Both host and graft vessels contribute to vascularization of xenografted human ovarian tissue in a murine model. Fertil Steril 93 : 1676─1685, 2010
5) Amorim CA, David A, Dolmans MM, et al : Impact of freezing and thawing of human ovarian tissue on follicular growth after long-term xenotransplantation. J Assist Reprod Genet 28 : 1157─1165, 2011
6) Keros V, Xella S, Hultenby K, et al : Vitrification versus controlled-rate freezing in cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue. Hum Reprod 24 : 1670─1683, 2009
7) Amorium CA, Dolmans MM, et al : Vitrification and xenografting of human ovarian tissue. Fertil Steril 98 : 1291─1298, 2012
8) Ting AY, Yeoman RR, Lawson MS, et al : In vitro development of secondary follicles from cryopreserved rhesus macaque ovarian tissue after slow-rate freeze or vitrification. Hum Reprod 26 : 2461─2472, 2011
9) Hashimoto S, Suzuki N, Yamanaka M, et al : Effects of vitrification solutions and equilibration times on the morphology of cynomolgus ovarian tissues. Reprod Biomed Online 21 : 501─509, 2010
10) Suzuki N, Hashimoto S, Igarashi S, et al : Assessment of long-term function of heterotopic transplants of vitrified ovarian tissue in cynomolgus monkeys. Hum Reprod 27 : 2420─2429, 2012
11) Sheikhi M, Hultenby K, Niklasson B, et al : Preservation of human ovarian follicles within tissue frozen by vitrification in xeno-free closed system using only ethylene glycol as a permeating cryoprotectant. Fertil Steril 100 : 170─177, 2013
12) Igarashi S, Suzuki N, Hashimoto S, et al : Heterotopic autotransplantation of ovarian cortex in cynomolgus monkeys. Hum Cell 23 : 26─34, 2010
13) Ting AY, Yeoman RR, Zelinski MB, et al : Morphological and functional preservation of pre-antral follicles after vitrification of macaque ovarian tissue in a closed system. Hum Reprod 28 : 1267─1279, 2013
14) Dolmans MM, Jadoul P, Gilliaux S, et al : A review of 15 years of ovarian tissue bank activities. J Assist Reprod Genet 30 : 305─314, 2013
15) Ajala T, Rafi J, Larsen-Disney P, et al : Fertility preservation for cancer patients ; a review. Obstet Gynecol Int 2010 : 160386, 2010
16) Rosendahl M, Andersen CY, Ralfkiaer E, et al : Evidence of residual disease in cryopreserved ovarian tissue in cancer patients with leukemia. Fertil Steril 94 : 2186─2190, 2010
17) Perrotin F, Marret H, Bouquin R, et al : Incidence, diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian metastasis in breast cancer. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 29 : 308─315, 2001
18) Kyono K, Doshida M, Toya M, et al : Potential indications for ovarian autotransplantation based on the analysis of 5571 autopsy finding of females under the age of 40 in Japan. Fertil Steril 1 : 2429─2430, 2010
19) Sanchez-Serrano M, Novella-Maestre E, Roselló-Sastre E, et al : Malignant cells are not found in ovarian cortex from breast cancer patients undergoing ovarian cortex cryopreservation. Hum Reprod 24 : 2238─2243, 2009
20) Rosendahl M, Timmermans Wielenga V, Nedergaard L, et al : Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue from patients with breast cancer. Fertil Steril 95 : 2158─2161, 2011