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合併増大号 今月の臨床 生殖医療の進歩と課題─安全性の検証から革新的知見まで 生殖医療と倫理・法


著者: 石原理1 出口顯2

所属機関: 1埼玉医科大学産科婦人科 2島根大学法文学部文化人類学

ページ範囲:P.130 - P.136





1) IFFS Surveillance 2010. http : //www.iffs-reproduction.org/documents/IFFS_Surveillance_2010.pdf, 2010
2) Van Craaikamp JCJ, Oosting ME : Netherlands : IVF for unmarried women, euthanasia. Lancet 356 : 1512─1513, 2000
3) Szoke H : IVF for unmarried women. Lancet 357 : 394, 2001
4) Department of Health and Social Security : Human fertilisation and embryology. Report of the Committee, Chairaman : Dame Mary Warnock DBE, Cmnd 9314 London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1984(http : //www.hfea.gov.uk/docs/Warnock_Report_of_the_Committee_of_Inquiry_into_Human_Fertilisation_and_Embryology_1984.pdf)
5) Human Fertlisation and Embryology Act 2008. http : //www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2008/22/pdfs/ukpga_20080022_en.pdf, 2008
6) Single women being offered IVF on the NHS. Telegraph 2011.10.24
7) Huge rise in IVF for single and gay mothers since law requiring father figure was removed. Mail Online 2012.4.22
8) The Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine : Access to fertility treatment by gays, lesbians, and unmarried persons. Fertil Steril 92 : 1190─1193, 2009
9) Viloria T, Garrido N, Minaya F, et al : Repot of results obtained in 2,934 women using donor sperm : donor insemination versus in vitro fertilization according to indication. Fertil Steril 96 : 1134─1137, 2011
10) Marina S, Marina D, Marina F, et al : Sahring motherhood : biological lesbian co-mothers, a new IVF indication. Hum Reprod 25 : 938─941, 2010
11) Corbett S, Frecker HM, Shapiro HM, et al : Access to fertility services for lesbian women in Canada. Fertil Steril, 2013 doi : pii : S0015-0282(13)00689-4. 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.05.048
12) CNN Library : Same sex marriage fast facts. 2013.4.5. http : //edition.cnn.com/2013/05/28/us/same-sex-marriage-fast-facts/index.html?iref=allsearch
13) Freedom to marry. http : //www.freedomtomarry.org/landscape/entry/c/international
14) Hanging in the balance. Southeast Asia Globe 2013.4.19
15) ジョージ・チョーンシー(上杉富之,村上隆則 訳) : 同性婚.明石書店,2006
16) No surrogacy visa for gay foreigners. The Times of India 2013.1.18. http : //articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-01-18/india/36415052_1_surrogacy-fertility-clinics-home-ministry
17) Personal communication from Prof Christina Berg, Sahlgrenska University(2013.7)
18) Erin Nelson : Law, Policy and Reproductive Autonomy. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013





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