今月の臨床 妊娠高血圧症候群のベストマネジメント
1) 日本妊娠高血圧学会編 : 妊娠高血圧症候群(PIH)管理ガイドライン2009.東京 : メジカルビュー社,2009
2) 日本高血圧学会高血圧治療ガイドライン作成委員会編 : 高血圧治療ガイドライン2014.東京 : 日本高血圧学会,2014
3) Nabhan AF, et al : Tight control of mild-moderate pre-existing or non-proteinuric gestational hypertension. Cochrane Database Syst Rev(7) : CD006907, 2011
4) Magee LA, et al : CHIPS Study Group. How to manage hypertension in pregnancy effectively. Br J Clin Pharmacol 72 : 394─401, 2011
5) National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health. ed. NICE Clinical Guideline. Hypertension in pregnancy : the management of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. London : National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence(NICE), 2011
6) Steegers EA, et al : Pre-eclampsia. Lancet 376 : 631─644, 2010
7) 中本 收,他 : 重症妊娠中毒症HP型の高血圧治療における母児の安全限界の差異に関する検討.腎と透析51 : 664─671,2001
8) 日高敦夫,他 : 各種降圧剤の効果と副作用,並びに至適降圧レベル.妊娠中毒症から妊娠高血圧症候群へ,過去から未来へ.日本妊娠高血圧学会編.メジカルビュー社,p274─281,2005
9) Jones DC, et al : Outcome of pregnancy in women with moderate or severe renal insufficiency. N Engl J Med 335 : 226─232, 1996
10) Nij Bijvank SW, et al : Nicardipine for the treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy : a review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol Surv 65 : 341─347, 2010
11) Manzur Verástegui S, et al : Efficacy of nitroglycerine infusion versus sublin gual nifedipine in severe pre eclampsia : a randomized, triple blind, controlled trial. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 35 : 580─585, 2008
12) Redman CW, et al : Treatment of hypertension in pregnancy with methyldopa : blood pressure control and side effects. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 84 : 419─426, 1977
13) Plouin PF, et al : Comparison of antihypertensive efficacy and perinatal safety of labetalol and methyldopa in the treatment of hypertension in pregnancy : a random ized controlled trial. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 95 : 868─876, 1988
14) Raheem IA, et al : Oral nifedipine versus intravenous labetalol for acute blood pressure control in hypertensive emergencies of pregnancy : a randomised trial. BJOG 119 : 78─85, 2012
15) Khan K, et al : Safety concerns for the use of calcium channel blockers in pregnancy for the treatment of spontaneous preterm labour and hypertension : a systematic review and meta regression analysis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 23 : 1030─1038, 2010
16) Pickles CJ, et al : A randomised placebo controlled trial of labetalol in the treatment of mild to moderate pregnancy in duced hypertension. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 99 : 964─968, 1992
17) Pickles CJ, et al : The fetal outcome in a randomized double blind control led trial of labetalol versus placebo in pregnancy induced hypertension. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 96 : 38─43, 1989
18) Magee LA, et al : Hydralazine for reatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy : meta analysis. BMJ 327 : 955─960, 2003
19) Cooper WO, et al : Major congenital malformations after first trimester exposure to ACE inhibitors. N Engl J Med 354 : 2443─2451, 2006
20) Khan NA, et al : Canadian Hypertension Education Program. The 2007 Canadian Hypertension Education Pro gram recommendations for the management of hypertension : part 2 therapy. Can J Cardiol 23 : 539─550, 2007
21) Diav Citrin O, et al : Pregnancy outcome after in utero exposure to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers. Reprod Toxicol 31 : 540─545, 2011
22) Li DK, et al : Maternal exposure to angiotensin converting en zyme inhibitors in the first trimester and risk of malformations in offspring : a retrospective cohort study. BMJ 343 : d5931, 2011
23) Duley L, et al : Magnesium sulphate and other anticonvulsants for women with pre eclampsia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev : CD000025, 2003