今月の臨床 妊婦のアレルギー・自己免疫・炎症性疾患─病態と妊婦管理の新しい知見
1) Thomas W, Speer CP : Chorioamnionitis : important risk factor or innocent bystander for neonatal outcome. Neonatology 99 : 177─187, 2011
2) Takahashi N, Uehara R, Kobayashi M, et al : Cytokine profiles of seventeen cytokines, growth factors and chemokines in cord blood and its relation to perinatal clinical findings. Cytokine 49 : 331─337, 2010
3) Kawamata R, Takahashi N, Yada Y, et al : Cytokine profile of a premature infant with early-onset listeriosis. Pediatr Int 53 : 386─388, 2011
4) Maruyama A, Takahashi N, Gunji Y, et al : Congenital hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a preterm infant : cytokine profile and a review of the disease. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 33 : e209─e212, 2011
5) Suzuki Y, Takahashi N, Yada Y, et al : Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a newborn infant born to a mother with Sjogren syndrome antibodies. J Perinatol 33 : 569─571, 2013
6) 高橋尚人 : サイトカインと小児疾患─新生児疾患.小児診療71 : 2197─2202, 2008
7) Saito M, Takahashi N, Ueda S, et al : Cytokine profile in a premature infant with systemic Bacillus cereus infection. Pediatr Int 52 : e34─e36, 2010
8) Shatrov J, Birh SCM, Lam LT, et al : Chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy : a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 116 : 387─392, 2010
9) Salas AA, Faye-Petersen OM : Sims B, et al : Histological characteristics of the fetal inflammatory response associated with neurodevelopment impairment and death in extremely preterm infants. J Pediatr 163 : 652─657, 2013
10) Kuypers E, Ophelders D, Jellema RK, et al : White matter injury following fetal inflammatory response syndrome induced by chorioamnionitis and fetal sepsis : lessons from experimental ovine models. Early Hum Dev 88 : 931─936, 2012
11) Graham EM, Holcroft CJ, Rai KK, et al : Neonatal cerebral white matter injury in preterm infants is associated with culture positive infections and only rarely with metabolic acidosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191 : 1305─1310, 2004
12) Shalak L, Johnson-Welch S, Perlman JM : Chorioamnionitis and neonatal encephalopathy in term infants with fetal academia : Histopathologic correlations. Pediatr Neurol 33 : 162─165, 2005
13) Himmemann K, Ahlin K, Jacobsson B, et al : Risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born ate term. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 90 : 1070─1081, 2011
14) Wu YW, Escobar GJ, Grether JK, et al : Chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy in term and neat-term infants. JAMA 290 : 2677─2684, 2003
15) Kojima K, Takahashi N, Yada Y, et al : White matter damage in a neonate of disseminated herpes simplex virus infection. Pediatr Int 54 : 409─412, 2011
16) Oskoui M, Countinho F, Dykeman J, et al : An update aon the prevalence of cerebral palsy : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol 55 : 509─519, 2013
17) Mwariki M, Atierno M, Lawn JE, et al : Long-term neurodevelopment outcomes after intrauterine and neonatal insults : a systematic review. Lancet 379 : 445─452, 2012
18) Mcintyre S, Taitz D, Keogh J, et al : A systemtic review of risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term in developed countries. Dev Med Child Neurol 55 : 499─508, 2013