今月の臨床 診療ガイドライン産科編2014─改訂と追加のポイントを読み解く
1) Minakami H, Morikawa M, Yamada T, et al : Differentiation of acute fatty liver of pregnancy from syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet counts. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 40 : 641─649, 2014
2) Minakami H, Oka N, Sato T, et al : Preeclampsia : a microvesicular fat disease of the liver? AJOG 159 : 1043─1047, 1998
3) 水上尚典 : 17)HELLP症候群,急性妊娠脂肪肝 10.異常分娩の管理と処置.日産婦誌60 : N85─N90, 2008
4) Minakami H, Morikawa M, Yamada T, et al : Candidates for the determination of antithrombin activity in pregnant women. J Perinat Med 39 : 369─374, 2011
5) 山田崇弘,水上尚典 : iv. その他 (HELLP症候群,急性妊娠脂肪肝).(2)妊娠中および分娩時.第3章 妊娠高血圧症候群における降圧薬における管理法.妊娠と高血圧 薬物療法マニュアル─その使用法と留意点─.(日本妊娠高血圧学会 編).金原出版株式会社,東京,p99─108,2012
6) Nachman R, Rafii S : Platelets, petechiae, and preservation of the vascular wall. N Engl J Med 359 : 1261─1270, 2008
7) Morikawa M, Yamad T, Yamada T, et al : Evidence of the escape of antithrombin from the blood into the interstitial space in pregnant women. J Perinat Med 38 : 613─615, 2010
8) Day MC, Barton JR, O’Brien JM, et al : The effect of fetal number on the development of hypertensive conditions of pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 106 : 927─931, 2005
9) Malone FD, Kaufman GE, Chelmow D, et al : Maternal morbidity associated with triplet pregnancy. Am J Perinatol 15 : 73─77, 1998
10) Albrecht L, Tomich PG : The maternal and neonatal outcome of triplet gestations. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174 : 1551─1556, 1996
11) Castro MA, Goodwin TM, Shaw KJ, et al : Disseminated intravascular coagulation and antithrombin III depression in acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174 : 211─216, 1996
12) Minakami H, Watanabe T, Izumi A, et al : Association of a decrease in antithrombin III activity with a perinatal elevation in aspartate aminotransferase in women with twin pregnancies : relevance to the HELLP syndrome. J Hepatol 30 : 603─611, 1999
13) Tsunoda T, Ohkuchi A, Izumi A, et al : Antithrombin III activity and platelet count are more likely to decrease in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 81 : 840─845, 2002
14) Minakami H, Yamada H, Suzuki S : Gestational thrombocytopenia and pregnancy-induced antithrombin deficiency : progenitors to the development of the HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Semin Thromb Hemos 28 : 515─518, 2002
15) Morikawa M, Yamada T, Yamada T, et al : Pregnancy-induced antithrombin deficiency. J Perinat Med 38 : 379─385, 2010
16) Yamada T, Ishikawa S, Kataoka S, et al : Coagulation/fibrinolysis and laboratory characteristics of pregnant women with severely depressed antithrombin activity. Hypertens Preg 32 : 235─244, 2013