今月の臨床 いま注目されている 早発卵巣不全(POI)
1) 日本産科婦人科学会 編 : 産科婦人科用語集・用語解説集改訂第3版.p253,金原出版,2013
2) 五十嵐豪,他 : 日本における早発卵巣不全(primary ovarian insufficiency : POI)の実態と治療の現状.日女性医会誌21 : 120─128, 2014
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7) Nelson LM : Clinical practice. Primary ovarian insufficiency. N Engl J Med 360 : 606─614, 2009
8) Cordts EB, et al : Genetic aspects of premature ovarian failure : a literature review. Arch Gynecol Obstet 283 : 635─643, 2011
9) Pouresmaeili F, et al : Premature Ovarian Failure : A Critical Condition in The Reproductive Potential with Various Genetic Causes. Int J Fertil Steril 8 : 1─12, 2014
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15) 小池浩司 : 卵巣機能不全.日産婦誌52 : N─278─N─281, 2000
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55) Huhtaniemi IT, et al : Alterations in gonadal steroidogenesis in individuals expressing a common genetic variant of luteinizing hormone. J Steroid Biochem 69 : 271─285, 1999
56) Takahashi K, et al : Increased prevalaence of luteinizing hormone β-subunit variant in Japanese infertility patients. Hum Reprod 13 : 3338─3344, 1998
57) 山口昌俊,他 : 宮崎地方の月経異常および不妊症患者における変異LHの頻度.日遺伝カウンセリング会誌23 : 60, 2002
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60) Nilsson CH, et al : Disparate response of wild-type and variant forms of LH to GnRH stimulation in individuals heterozygous for the LHbeta variant allele. Hum Reprod 16 : 230─235, 2001
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62) Themmen APN, et al : Mutations of gonadotropins and gonadotropin receptors : elucidating the physiology and pathophysiology of pituitary-gonadal function. Endocr Rev 21 : 551─583, 2000
63) Lamminen T, et al : A common genetic variant of luteinizing hormone ; relation to normal and aberrant pituitary-gonadal function. Eur J Pharmacol 414 : 1─7, 2001
64) Huhtaniemi I, et al : Mutation and polymorphisms in gonadotropin genes. Mol Cell Endocrinol 151 : 89─94, 1999
65) Jiang M, et al : A common polymorphic allele of the human luteinizing hormone beta- subunit gene : additional mutations and differential function of the promoter sequence. Hum Mol Genet 8 : 2037─2046, 1999
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67) Takahashi K, et al : Pituitary response to luteinizing hormone-relesing hormone in women with variant luteinizing hormone. Eur J Endocrinol 143 : 375─381, 2000
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70) Liu N, et al : Association of the genetic variants of luteinizing hormone, luteinizing hormone receptor and polycystic ovary syndrome. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 10 : 36, 2012
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