今月の臨床 ゲノム時代の婦人科がん診療を展望する─がんの個性に応じたpersonalizationへの道
1) Satoh T, et al : Outcome of fertility-sparing surgery for stage I epithelial ovarian cancer : A proposal for patient selection. J Clin Oncol 28 : 1727─1732, 2010
2) Hu J, et al : Clinical outcomes of fertility-sparing treatments in young patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 12 : 787─795, 2011
3) Fruscio R, et al : Conservative management of early-stage epithelial ovariancancer : results of a large retrospective series. Ann Oncol 24 : 138─144, 2013
4) Kajiyama H, et al : Recurrence-predicting prognostic factors for patients with early-stage epithelial ovarian cancer undergoing fertility-sparing surgery : a multi-institutional study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 175 : 97─102, 2014
5) Nam JH, et al : Fertility-sparing surgery for young women with early-stage epithelial ovarian cancer. Gynecol Obstet Invest 76 : 14─24, 2013
6) Zapardiel I, et al : Conservative treatment of early stage ovarian cancer : oncological and fertility outcomes. Eur J Surg Oncol 40 : 387─393, 2014
7) Zanetta G, et al : Conservative surgery for stage I ovarian carcinoma in women of childbearing age. Br J Obstet Gynecol 104 : 1030─1035, 1997
8) Jobo T, et al : Conservative surgery for malignant ovarian tumor in women of childbearing age. Int J Clin Oncol 5 : 41─47, 2000
9) Anchezar JP, et al : Long-term follow-up results of fertility sparing surgery in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. J Surg Oncol 100 : 55─58, 2009
10) Park JY, et al : Outcomes of fertility-sparing surgery for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer : Oncologic safety and reproductive outcomes. Gynecol Oncol 110 : 345─353, 2008
11) Borgfeldt C, et al : Fertility-sparing surgery and outcome in fertile women with ovarian borderline tumors and epithelial invasive ovarian cancer. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 134 : 110─114, 2007
12) Morice P, et al : Conservative treatment in epithelial ovarian cancer : results of a multicentre study of the GCCLCC(Groupe des Chirurgiens de Lutte Contre le Cancer)and SFOG(Societe Francaise d’Oncologie Gynecologique). Hum Reprod 20 : 1379─1385, 2005
13) Colombo N, et al : Role of conservative surgery in ovarian cancer : the European experience. Int J Gynecol Cancer 15 : 206─211, 2005
14) Schilder JM, et al : Outcome of reproductive age women with stage Ia or Ic invasive epithelial ovarian cancer treated with fertility-sparing therapy. Gynecol Oncol 87 : 1─7, 2002
15) Kajiyama H, et al : Is there any possibility of fertility-sparing surgery in patients with clear-cell carcinoma of the ovary? Gynecol Oncol 111 : 523─526, 2008
16) Kajiyama H, et al : Long-term survival of young women receiving fertility-sparing surgery for ovarian cancer in comparison with those undergoing radical surgery. Br J Cancer 105 : 1288─1294, 2011
17) Raspagliesi F, et al : Conservative surgery in high-risk epithelial ovarian carcinoma. J Am Coll Surg 185 : 457─560, 1997
18) Trimbos JB, et al : Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy and surgical staging in early-stage ovarian carcinoma : European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Adjuvant ChemoTherapy in Ovarian Neoplasm trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 95 : 113─125, 2003
19) Sugiyama T, et al : Clinical characteristics of clear cell carcinoma of the ovary : a distinct histologic type with poor prognosis and resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy. Cancer 88 : 2584─2589, 2000
20) Chan JK, et al : Do clear cell ovarian carcinomas have poorer prognosis compared to other epithelial cell types? A study of 1411 clear cell ovarian cancers. Gynecol Oncol 109 : 370─376, 2008
21) Kajiyama H, et al : Fertility-sparing surgery in young women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol 36 : 404─408, 2010