今月の臨床 ゲノム時代の婦人科がん診療を展望する─がんの個性に応じたpersonalizationへの道
●The Cancer Genome Atlasによって,卵巣高異型度漿液性腺癌のゲノム多様性が明らかとなった.
●遺伝子発現プロファイルによって,予後と関連するmolecular subtypeの同定が可能となった.
●遺伝子発現プロファイルによって,予後と関連するmolecular subtypeの同定が可能となった.
1) Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network : Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma. Nature 474 : 609─615, 2011
2) Ciriello G, et al : Emerging landscape of oncogenic signatures across human cancers. Nat Genet 45 : 1127─1133, 2013
3) Hofree M, et al : Network-based stratification of tumor mutations. Nat Methods 10 : 1108─1115, 2013
4) Kanchi KL, et al : Integrated analysis of germline and somatic variants in ovarian cancer. Nat Commun 5 : 3156, 2014
5) Bashashati A, et al : Distinct evolutionary trajectories of primary high-grade serous ovarian cancers revealed through spatial mutational profiling. J Pathol 231 : 21─34, 2013
6) Hoogstraat M, et al : Genomic and transcriptomic plasticity in treatment-naive ovarian cancer. Genome Res 24 : 200─211, 2014
7) Tan TZ, et al : Functional genomics identifies five distinct molecular subtypes with clinical relevance and pathways for growth control in epithelial ovarian cancer. EMBO Mol Med 5 : 983─998, 2013
8) 松村謙臣,他 : 遺伝子発現解析に基づく卵巣癌の薬剤選択を目指して(第54回日本婦人科腫瘍学会学術講演会シンポジウム報告).日婦腫瘍会誌32 : 203─210, 2014
9) Gourley C, et al : Molecular subgroup of high-grade serous ovarian cancer(HGSOC) as a predictor of outcome following bevacizumab. J Clin Oncol 32 : 5s, abstr 5502, 2014
10) Winterhoff BJN, et al : Bevacizumab and improvement of progression-free survival(PFS) for patients with the mesenchymal molecular subtype of ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 32 : 5s, abstr 5509, 2014
11) Verhaak RG, et al : Prognostically relevant gene signatures of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. J Clin Invest 123 : 517─525, 2013