今月の臨床 婦人科がん診療を支えるトータルマネジメント─各領域のエキスパートに聞く
1) Lacouture ME : Skin care guide. Harborside Press, New York, 2012
2) Nozawa K, et al : Quantitative assessment of appearance changes and related distress in cancer patients. Psychooncology 22 : 2140─2147, 2013
3) Benjamin B, et al : Pulsed electrostatic fields(ETG) to reduce hair loss in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast carcinoma : a pilot study. Psychooncology 11 : 244─248, 2002
4) Choi K, et al : Impact of chemotherapy-induced alopecia distress on body image, psychosocial well-being, and depression in breast cancer patients. Psychooncology 23 : 1103─1110, 2014
5) Münstedt K, et al : Changes in self-concept and body image during alopecia induced cancer chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 5 : 139─143, 1997
6) Carpenter JS, et al : Evaluation of self-esteem of women with cancer receiving chemotherapy. Oncol Nurs Forum 21 : 751─757, 1994
7) Japan Clinical Oncology Group : 有害事象共通用語規準v4.0日本語訳JCOG版2015.3.10日版(2015),2015.5.1, Retrieved from http://www.jcog.jp/doctor/tool/ctcaev4.html
8) 伊藤雅章 : 皮膚付属器の疾患.標準皮膚科学 第10版(富田 靖監修).p.23─26,51,医学書院,2013
9) Polovich M, et al : Chemotherapy and biotherapy guidelines and recommendations for practice, forth edition. pp250─255, Oncology Nursing Society, Pennsylvania, 2014
10) 飯野京子,他 : 【がん化学療法セルフケア支援のABC】脱毛のセルフケア支援.看護誌67 : 1060─1065, 2004
11) Haas ML, et al : Principles of skin care and the oncology patient. Oncology Nurisng Society, Philadelphia, 2009
12) McDonald MV, et al : Nurses’ recognition of depression in their patients with cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum 26 : 593─599, 1999