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今月の臨床 婦人科がん診療を支えるトータルマネジメント─各領域のエキスパートに聞く



著者: 平安名常一1 戸板孝文1 有賀拓郎1 橋本成司1 前本均1 村山貞之1

所属機関: 1琉球大学医学部放射線診断治療学講座

ページ範囲:P.1185 - P.1191


●骨転移は病的骨折や脊髄圧迫をきたし,患者のperformance statusを急激に低下させてしまう.したがって,骨転移の治療は単なる除痛目的ではなく,むしろ,病的骨折や脊髄圧迫を回避することに主眼を置かなくてはならない.




1) Finlay IG, et al : Radioisotopes for the palliation of metastatic bone cancer : a systematic review. Lancet Oncol 6 : 392─400, 2005
2) Loblaw DA, et al : Emergency treatment of malignant extradural spinal cord compression : an evidence based guideline. J Clin Oncol 16 : 1613─1624, 1998
3) Hartsell WF, et al : Randomized trial of short-versus long-course radiotherapy for palliation of painful bone metastases. J Natl Cancer Inst 97 : 798─804, 2005
4) Hoskin PJ, et al : Radiotherapy for bone metastases. Clin Oncol 13 : 88─90, 2001
5) Koswig S, et al : Remineralization and pain relief in bone metastases after different radiotherapy fractions(10 times 3Gy vs. 1 time 8Gy). A prospective study. Strahlenther Onkol 175 : 500─508, 1999
6) Patchell RA, et al : Direct decompressive surgical resection in the treatment of spinal cord compression caused by metastatic cancer ; a randomized trial. Lancet 366 : 643─648, 2005
7) Loblaw DA, et al : Systemic review of the diagnosis and management of malignant extradural spinal cord compression ; the Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative’s Neuro-Oncology Disease Site Group. J Clin Oncol 23 : 2028─2037, 2005
8) Agarawal JP, et al : The role of external beam radiotherapy in the management of bone metastases. Clin Oncol 18 : 747─760, 2006
9) Rades D, et al : Evaluation of 5 radiation schedules and prognostic factors for metastatic spinal cord compression. J Clin Oncol 23 : 3366─3375, 2005
10) Chow E, et al : A phase III international randomized trial comparing single with multiple fractions for re-irradiation of painful bone metastases ; National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group(NCIC CTG) SC 20. Clin Oncol 18 : 125─128, 2006
11) Chow E, et al : Update of the international consensus on palliative radiotherapy endpoints for future clinical trials in bone metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 82 : 1730─1737, 2012





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