今月の臨床 総合診療における産婦人科医の役割─あらゆるライフステージにある女性へのヘルスケア
1) Podymow T, et al : Hypertension in pregnancy. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis 14 : 178─190, 2007
2) Kurabayashi T, et al : Pregnancy-induced hypertension is associated with maternal history and a risk of cardiovascular disease in later life : A Japanese cross-sectional study. Maturitas 75 : 227─231, 2013
3) Berends AL, et al : Shared constitutional risks for maternal vascular-related pregnancy complications and future cardiovascular disease. Hypertension 51 : 1034─1041, 2008
4) Roes EM, et al : Severe pre-eclampsia is associated with a positive family history of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Hypertens Pregnancy 24 : 259─271, 2005
5) Ferreira I, et al : Preeclampsia and increased blood pressure in the offspring : meta-analysis and critical review of the evidence. J Hypertens 27 : 1955─1959, 2009
6) Kajantie E, et al : Pre-eclampsia is associated with increased risk of stroke in the adult offspring : the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Stroke 40 : 1176─1180, 2009
7) Geelhoed JJM, et al : Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension are associated with childhood blood pressure independently family adiposity measures : the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Circulation 122 : 1192─1199, 2010
8) Jayet P-Y, et al : Pulmonary and systemic vascular dysfunction in young offspring of mothers with preeclampsia. Circulation 122 : 488─494, 2010
9) Lazdam M, et al : Elevated blood pressure in offspring born premature to hypertensive pregnancy : is endothelial dysfunction the underlying vascular mechanism? Hypertension 56 : 159─165, 2010
10) Chesley LC, et al : The remote prognosis of eclamptic women : sixth periodic report. Am J Obstet Gynecol 124 : 446─459, 1976
11) Irgens HU, et al : Long term mortality of mothers and fathers after pre-eclampsia : population based cohort study. BMJ 323 : 1213─1217, 2001
12) Arnadottir GA, et al : Cardiovascular death in women who had hypertension in pregnancy : a case-control study. BJOG 112 : 286─292, 2005
13) Lykke LA, et al : Hypertensive pregnancy disorders and subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the mother. Hypertension 53 : 944─951, 2009
14) Wikström AK, et al : The risk of maternal ischaemic heart disease after gestational hypertensive disease. BJOG 112 : 1486─1491, 2005
15) Bellamy L, et al : Pre-eclampsia and risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer in later life : systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 335 : 974─977, 2007
16) Seely EW, et al : Insulin resistance and its potential role in pregnancy-induced hypertension. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88 : 2393─2398, 2003
17) Ray JG, et al : Brief overview of maternal triglycerides as a risk factor for pre-eclampsia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 113 : 379─386, 2006
18) Greer IA : Thrombosis in pregnancy : maternal and fetal issues. Lancet 10 : 1258─1265, 1999
19) Redman CW, et al : Pre-eclampsia : an excessive maternal inflammatory response to pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 180 : 499─506, 1999
20) Bosio PM, et al : Maternal central haemodynamics in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 94 : 978─984, 1999
21) Rodie VA, et al : Pre-eclampsia and cardiovascular disease : metabolic syndrome of pregnancy? Atherosclerosis 175 : 189─202, 2004
22) Harskamp RE, et al : at risk for remote cardiovascular disease. Am J Med Sci 334 : 291─295, 2007
23) Smith GN, et al : A history of pre-eclampsia identifies women who have underlying cardiovascular risk factors. Am J Obstet Gynecol 200 : 58.e1─58.e8, 2009
24) McDonald SD, et al : Cardiovascular sequelae of preeclampsia/eclampsia : a systematic review and meta-analyses. Am Heart J 156 : 918─930, 2008
25) Roberts JM, et al : Pathogenesis and genetics of pre-eclampsia. Lancet 357 : 53─56, 2001
26) Levine RJ, et al : Circulating angiogenic factors and the risk of pre-eclampsia. N Engl J Med 350 : 672─683, 2004
27) 飯野香織,他 : 妊娠時の血圧値と将来の生活習慣病発症の関連性─母子手帳の解析から─.日妊娠高血圧会誌20 : 62─64, 2012
28) Sattar N, et al : Pregnancy complications and maternal cardiovascular risk : opportunities for intervention and screening? BMJ 325 : 157─160, 2002