今月の臨床 早産の予知・予防の新たな展開
●早産既往のある頸管長短縮(<25 mm)の妊婦への治療的縫縮術の効果には強いエビデンスがある.
●早産既往のある頸管長短縮(<25 mm)の妊婦への治療的縫縮術の効果には強いエビデンスがある.
1) 日本産科婦人科学会 編 : 用語解説 産科婦人科用語集・用語解説集 改訂第3版.2013
2) 日本産科婦人科学会/日本産婦人科医会 編集・監修 : 産婦人科診療ガイドライン─産科編2014. CQ301頸管無力症の取り扱いは?.日本産科婦人科学会,pp285─288,2014
3) ACOG Practice Bulletin No.142 : Cerclage for the management of cervical insufficiency. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 123 : 372─379, 2014
4) Shiozaki A, et al : Comparison of risk factors for major obstetric complications between Western countries and Japan : a case-cohort study. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 37 : 1447─1454, 2011
5) 母子衛生研究会 編 : 母子保健の主なる統計.母子保健事業団,p49,2013
6) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss.htm(Accessed 2014/10/31)
7) Berghella V, et al : Cerclage for short cervix on ultrasonography in women with singleton gestations and previous preterm birth : a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol 117 : 663─671, 2011
8) Meis PJ, et al : Prevention of recurrent preterm delivery by 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate. N Engl J Med 348 : 2379─2385, 2003
9) 山下美智子,他 : 日本の自然中期流産・早産既往妊婦における自然流早産反復率とリスク因子の検討.日周産期・新生児医会誌50 : 724, 2014
10) 田沼有希子,他 : 早産既往妊婦における早産再発率についての検討.日周産期・新生児医会誌50 : 180─184, 2014
11) Whitley KA, et al : Midtrimester dilation and evacuation versus prostaglandin induction : a comparison of composite outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 205 : 386. e1─7, 2011
12) Scholten BL, et al : The influence of pregnancy termination on the outcome of subsequent pregnancies : a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open 3 : e002803, 2013
13) Armarnik S, Sheiner E, Piura B, et al : Obstetric outcome following cervical conization. Arch Gynecol Obstet 283 : 765─769, 2011
14) 新垣達也,他 : 子宮頸部レーザー円錐切除術およびレーザー蒸散術後の妊娠に関する検討.日周産期・新生児医会誌49 : 1202─1207, 2013
15) Visintine J, et al : Cervical length for prediction of preterm birth in women with multiple prior induced abortions. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 31 : 198─200, 2008
16) Masamoto H, et al : Outcome of pregnancy after laser conization : implications for infection as a causal link with preterm birth. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 34 : 838─842, 2008
17) 石黒宏美,他 : 円錐切除後妊娠の頸管縫縮術施行例の臨床的検討.新潟市民病院医誌34 : 8─12, 2013
18) 室 雅巳,他 : 円錐切除後妊娠に対する予防的子宮頸管縫縮術の有用性の検討.産婦の実際62 : 417─423, 2013
19) 桑田知之,松原茂樹 : 初産双胎妊婦に対する予防的子宮頸管縫縮術が周産期予後に与える影響.産婦の実際55 : 1153─1158, 2006
20) Miller ES, et al : Outcomes after physical examination-indicated cerclage in twin gestations. Am J Obstet Gynecol 211 : 46. e1─5, 2014
21) Rush RW, et al : A randomized controlled trial of cervical cerclage in women at high risk of spontaneous preterm delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 91 : 724─730, 1984
22) MRC/RCOG Working Party on Cervical Cerclage : Final report of the Medical Research Council/Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists multicentre randomised trial of cervical cerclage. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 100 : 516─523, 1993
23) Drakeley AJ, et al : Cervical stitch(cerclage)for preventing pregnancy loss in women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1 : CD003253, 2003
24) Lazar P, et al : Multicentred controlled trial of cervical cerclage in women at moderate risk of preterm delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 91 : 731─735, 1984
25) Yorifuji T, et al : Effectiveness of delayed absorbable monofilament suture in emergency cerclage. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 53 : 382─384, 2014
26) Burger NB, et al : Effectiveness of abdominal cerclage placed via laparotomy or laparoscopy : systematic review. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 18 : 696─704, 2011
27) Simcox R, Shennan A : Cervical cerclage : a review. Int J Surg 5 : 205─209, 2007