今月の臨床 産婦人科医必読─乳がん予防と検診Up to date
●生体組織の基本的な特性である「組織弾性の非線形性(non-linearity)」,および外力を加える際の「初期圧(pre-load compression)」の概念について理解する.
●臨床からみた,「Strain Elastography」「ARFI Imaging」「Shear Wave Elastography」の特徴と基本手技,評価方法について理解する.
●生体組織の基本的な特性である「組織弾性の非線形性(non-linearity)」,および外力を加える際の「初期圧(pre-load compression)」の概念について理解する.
●臨床からみた,「Strain Elastography」「ARFI Imaging」「Shear Wave Elastography」の特徴と基本手技,評価方法について理解する.
1) Nakashima K, et al : JSUM ultrasound elastography practice guidelines : breast. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 40 : 359─391, 2013
2) Shiina T : JSUM ultrasound elastography practice guidelines : basics and terminology. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics 40 : 309─323, 2013
3) Ophir J, et al : Elastography : a quantitative method for imaging the elasticity of biological tissues. Ultrason Imaging 13 : 111─134, 1991
4) Shiina T, et al : Strain imaging using combined RF and envelope autocorrelation processing. Proc IEEE Ultrason Symp : 1331─1334, 1996
5) Bohs LN : A novel method for angle independent ultrasonic imaging of blood flow and tissue motion. IEEE Trans BME 38 : 280─286, 1991
6) Lubinski MA, et al : Speckle tracking methods for ultrasonic elasticity imaging using short-time correlation. IEEE Trans UFFC 46 : 82─96, 1999
7) Hazard CR, et al : Iterative direct strain estimation for HIFU lesion detection. Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on the Ultrasonic Measurement and Imaging of the Tissue Elasticity. 31, 2007
8) Nightingale K, et al : Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging : in vivo demonstration of clinical feasibility. Ultrasound Med Biol 28 : 227─235, 2002
9) Palmeri ML, et al : Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse(ARFI) Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Ultrasonic Imaging 27 : 75─88, 2005
10) Bercoff J, et al : Supersonic shear imaging : a new technique for soft tissue elasticity mapping. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control 51 : 396─409, 2004
11) Umemoto T, et al : Ex vivo and in vivo assessment of the non-linearity of elasticity properties of breast tissues for quantitative strain elastography. Ultrasound Med Biol 40 : 1755─1768, 2014
12) Itoh A, et al : Breast disease : clinical application of US elastography for diagnosis. Radiology. 239 : 341─350, 2006
13) Raza S, et al : Using Real-time Tissue Elastography for Breast Lesion Evaluation. J Ultrasound Med 29 : 551─563, 2010
14) Ueno E, et al : New quantitative method in breast elastography : fat-lesion ratio(FLR) [abstract]. In : Proceedings of the Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Oak Brook, IL : Radiological Society of North America : 2007. P. 697.4th
15) Hall TJ, et al : Ultrasound palpation imaging as a tool for improved differentiation among breast abnormalities[abstract]. Radiology 221 (suppl) : 697, 2001
16) Barr RG, et al : Evaluation of breast lesions using sonographic elasticity imaging : a multicenter trial. J Ultrasound Med 31 : 281─287, 2012
17) Tozaki M, et al : Ultrasonographic elastography of the breast using acoustic radiation force impulse technology : preliminary study. Jpn J Radiol 29 : 452─456, 2011
18) Tozaki M, et al : Combination of elastography and tissue quantification using the acoustic radiation force impulse(ARFI) technology for differential diagnosis of breast masses. Jpn J Radiol 30 : 659─670, 2012
19) Ianculescu V, et, al : Added value of Virtual Touch IQ shear wave elastography in the ultrasound assessment of breast lesions. Eur J Radiol 83 : 773─777, 2014
20) Evans A, et al : Quantitative shear wave ultrasound elastography : initial experience in solid breast masses. Breast Cancer Res 12 : R104, 2010
21) Chang JM, et al : Clinical application of shear wave elastography(SWE) in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast diseases. Breast Cancer Res Treat 129 : 89─97, 2011
22) Berg WA, et al : Shear-wave elastography improves the specificity of breast US : the BE1 multinational study of 939 masses. Radiology 262 : 435─449, 2012
23) Tozaki M, et al : Pattern classification of ShearWave Elastography images for differential diagnosis between benign and malignant solid breast masses. Acta Radiol 52 : 1069─1075, 2011