合併増大号 今月の臨床 難治性の周産期common diseaseへの挑戦
●早産期のFGRにおいては,静脈管血流のpulsatility indexの上昇や心房収縮期血流(a波)の途絶・逆流が,胎児のアシドーシスや予後不良と関連する.
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2) Thornton JG, et al : Infant wellbeing at 2 years of age in the Growth Restriction Intervention Trial(GRIT) : multicentred Randomised controlled trial. Lancet 364 : 513─520, 2004
3) Walker DM, et al : The Growth Restriction Intervention Trial : long-term outcomes in a randomized trial of timing of delivery in fetal growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 204 : e1─9, 2011
4) Cruz-Lemini M, et al : Risk of perinatal death in early-onset intrauterine growth restriction according to gestational age and cardiovascular Doppler indices : a multicenter study. Fetal Diagn Ther 32 : 116─122, 2012
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7) 廣岡芳樹,他 : 胎児静脈血流波形基準値(2013).Jpn J Med Ultrasonics 40 : 597─600, 2013
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9) Unterscheider J, et al : Predictable progressive Doppler deterioration in IUGR : does it really exist? Am J Obstet Gynecol 539 : e1─7, 2013
10) Lees CC, et al : 2 year neurodevelopmental and intermediate perinatal outcomes in infants with very preterm fetal growth restriction(TRUFFLE) : a randomised trial. Lancet 30 : 2162─2172, 2015
11) Figueras F, et al : Update on the diagnosis and classification of fetal growth restriction and proposal of a stage-based management protocol. Fetal Diagn Ther 36 : 86─98, 2014