今月の臨床 婦人科悪性腫瘍規約改訂のポイントと対応─「何が」「なぜ」「どのように」変わったのか
●高異型漿液性癌はp53 遺伝子異常をベースに遺伝子不安定性を背景としてaggressiveなgrowthを示し,予後不良である.
●低異型漿液性癌はKRAS ,PTEN ,PIK3CA などにわずかな遺伝子変異が少しずつ集積し,precursorである境界悪性病変(SBT/APST)を通じて段階的に発生するもので,発育は緩徐で予後良好である.
1)Kurman RJ, et al(eds) : WHO classification of tumours of female reproductive organs, 4th edition, IARC, Lyon, 2014
2)Kurman RJ, et al : The origin and pathogenesis of epithelial ovarian cancer : a proposed unifying theory. Am J Surg Pathol 34 : 433─443, 2010
3)Kurman RJ, et al : Molecular pathogenesis and extraovarian origin of epithelial ovarian cancer--shifting the paradigm. Hum Pathol 42 : 918─931, 2011
4)Vang R, et al : Fallopian tube precursors of ovarian low- and high-grade serous neoplasms. Histopathology 62 : 44─58, 2013
5)Lee Y, et al : A candidate precursor to serous carcinoma that originates in the distal fallopian tube. J Pathol 211 : 26─35, 2007
6)Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma. Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network. Nature 474 : 609─615, 2011
7)Nakamura K, et al : Manuscript in preparation
8)Li J, et al : Tubal origin of ‘ovarian’ low-grade serous carcinoma. Mod Pathol 24 : 1488─1499, 2011
9)Auersperg N : The origin of ovarian carcinomas : a unifying hypothesis. Int J Gynecol Pathol 30 : 12─21, 2011
10)Vang R, et al : Ovarian low-grade and high-grade serous carcinoma : pathogenesis, clinicopathologic and molecular biologic features, and diagnostic problems. Adv Anat Pathol 16 : 267─282, 2009
11)Malpica A, et al : Grading ovarian serous carcinoma using a two-tier system. Am J Surg Pathol 28 : 496─504, 2004
12)Nakamura K, et al : KRAS/BRAF Analysis in Ovarian Low-Grade Serous Carcinoma Having Synchronous all pathological precursor regions. Int J Mol Sci 17 : E625, 2016(doi : 10.3390/ijms17050625)
13)Kurman RJ, et al : Papillary tubal hyperplasia : the putative precursor of ovarian atypical proliferative(borderline)serous tumors, noninvasive implants, and endosalpingiosis. Am J Surg Pathol 35 : 1605─1614, 2011
14)Sato E, et al : Mol Clin Oncol(in press)
15)Falconer H, et al : Ovarian cancer risk after salpingectomy : a nationwide population-based study. J Natl Cancer Inst 107 : dju410, 2015