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合併増大号 今月の臨床 性ステロイドホルモン研究の最前線と臨床応用

臨床各論 : 使い方の実際


著者: 篠原康一1

所属機関: 1愛知医科大学産婦人科

ページ範囲:P.94 - P.99


●エストロゲンとVTEリスク : VTEリスクを経口と経皮とで比較したORは,経口で4.2,経皮で0.9であった.経皮吸収エストロゲン剤の使用ではVTEリスクが増加しない.

●エストロゲンと糖尿病リスク : エストロゲン投与経路では,経口HR 0.68[0.55─0.85]vs経皮HR 0.87[0.75─1.00](p=0.028)と経皮投与よりも経口投与で糖尿病リスクが減少する.

●プロゲスチンとの組み合わせ : 経口エストロゲン製剤はCEEに加え,17βE2製剤の使用が可能であり,現在使用頻度の高いホルモン剤は,エストロゲン製剤は3種類以上あり,プロゲスチンとの組み合わせではたくさんの処方パターンが選択できる.それぞれの薬剤の特色や,患者年齢・特徴を理解した選択をしたい.


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2)Scarabin PY, et al : Hormone therapy and venous thromboembolism among postmenopausal women : impact of the route of estrogen administration and progestogens : the ESTHER study. Circulation 115 : 840─845, 2007
3)Raps M, et al : Sex hormone-binding globulin as a marker for the thrombotic risk of hormonal contraceptives. J Thromb Haemost 10 : 992─997, 2012
4)Gohlke-Barwolf C : Coronary artery disease-is menopause a risk factor? Basic Res Cardiol 95 : 177─183, 2000
5)Innes KE, et al : Menopause, the metabolic syndrome, and mind-body therapies. Menopause 15 : 1005─1013, 2008
6)Sumino H, et al : Hormone replacement therapy decreases insulin resistance and lipid metabolism in Japanese postmenopausal women with impaired and normal glucose tolerance. HORM RES 60 : 134─142, 2003
7)Kanaya A, et al : Glycemic effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy : the heart and estrogen/progestin replacement study. Ann Intern Med 138 : 1─9, 2003
8)Margolis KL, et al : Women's Health Initiative Investigators ; Women's Health Initiative Investigators : Effect of oestrogen plus progestin on the incidence of diabetes in postmenopausal women : results from the Women's health initiative hormone trial. Diabetologia 47 : 1175─1187, 2004
9)Howard BV, et al : Postmenopausal hormone therapy is associated with atherosclerosis progression in women with abnormal glucose tolerance. Circulation 110 : 201─206, 2004
10)Bonds DE, et al : The effect of conjugated equine oestrogen on diabetes incidence : the Women's health initiative randomised trial. Diabetologia 49 : 459─468, 2006
11)Salpeter SR, et al : Meta-analysis : effect of hormone-replacement therapy on components of the metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women. Diabetes Obes Metab 8 : 538─554, 2006
13)de Lauzon-Guillain B, et al : Menopausal hormone therapy and new-onset diabetes in the French Etude Epidemiologique de Femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale(E3N) cohort. Diabetologia 52 : 2092─2100, 2009
14)Paoletti AM, et al : Clinical effect of hormonal replacement therapy with estradiol associated with noretisterone or drospirenone. A prospective randomized placebo controlled study. Gynecol Endocrinol 31 : 384─387, 2015





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