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今月の臨床 最新! 婦人科がん薬物療法─化学療法薬から分子標的薬・免疫療法薬まで



著者: 馬淵誠士1 甲村奈緒子1 松本有里1

所属機関: 1大阪大学大学院医学系研究科産科学婦人科学講座

ページ範囲:P.948 - P.959






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4)Mackay HJ, et al : A phase II study of sunitinib in patients with locally advanced or metastatic cervical carcinoma : NCIC CTG Trial IND.184. Gynecol Oncol 116 : 163─167, 2010
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6)Kunos C, et al : A phase I-II evaluation of veliparib(NSC#737664), topotecan, and filgrastim or pegfilgrastim in the treatment of persistent or recurrent carcinoma of the uterine cervix : an NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Int J Gynecol Cancer 25 : 484─492, 2015
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14)Lopez-Ocejo O, et al : Oncogenes and tumor angiogenesis : the HPV-16 E6 oncoprotein activates the vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) gene promoter in a p53 independent manner. Oncogene 19 : 4611─4620, 2000
15)Loncaster JA, et al : Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)expression is a prognostic factor for radiotherapy outcome in advanced carcinoma of the cervix. Br J Cancer 83 : 620─625, 2000
16)Monk BJ, et al : Phase II trial of bevacizumab in the treatment of persistent or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix : a gynecologic oncology group study. J Clin Oncol 27 : 1069─1074, 2009
17)Zighelboim I, et al : Multicenter phase II trial of topotecan, cisplatin and bevacizumab for recurrent or persistent cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 130 : 64─68, 2013
18)Tewari KS, et al : Improved survival with bevacizumab in advanced cervical cancer. N Eng J Med 370 : 734─743, 2014
19)Penson RT : Bevacizumab for advanced cervical cancer : patient-reported outcomes of a randomised, phase 3 trial(NRG Oncology-Gynecologic Oncology Group protocol 240). Lancet Oncol 16 : 301─311, 2015
20)Tewari KS, et al : Prospective validation of pooled prognostic factors in women with advanced cervical cancer treated with chemotherapy with/without bevacizumab : NRG Oncology/GOG Study. Clin Cancer Res 21 : 5480─5487, 2015
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31)Burger RA, et al : Risk factors for GI adverse events in a phase III randomized trial of bevacizumab in first-line therapy of advanced ovarian cancer : A Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. J Clin Oncol 32 : 1210─1217, 2014
32)Tanyi JL, et al : Clinical predictors of bevacizumab-associated gastrointestinal perforation. Gynecol Oncol 120 : 464─469, 2011
33)Perren TJ, et al : A phase 3 trial of bevacizumab in ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med 365 : 2484─2496, 2011
34)Schefter T, et al : RTOG 0417 : efficacy of bevacizumab in combination with definitive radiation therapy and cisplatin chemotherapy in untreated patients with locally advanced cervical carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 88 : 101─110, 2014





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