今月の臨床 最新! 婦人科がん薬物療法─化学療法薬から分子標的薬・免疫療法薬まで
1)Sedlis A, et al : A randomized trial of pelvic radiation therapy versus no further therapy in selected patients with stage Ib carcinoma of the cervix after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy : A Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Gynecol Oncol 73 : 177─183, 1999
2)Micha JP, et al : Surgery alone or surgery with a combination radiation or chemoradiation for management of patients with bulky-stage Ib2 cervical carcinoma. Int J Gynecol Cancer 16 : 1147─1151, 2006
3)Takeshima N, et al : Treatment results of adjuvant chemotherapy after radical hysterectomy for intermediate- and high-risk stage Ib-IIA cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 103 : 618─622, 2006
4)Hosaka M, et al : Treatment of cervical cancer with adjuvant chemotherapy versus adjuvant radiotherapy after radical hysterectomy and systematic lymphadenectomy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 34 : 552─556, 2008
5)Hosaka M, et al : Clinical efficacy of paclitaxel/cisplatin as an adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with cervical cancer who underwent radical hysterectomy and systematic lymphadenectomy. J Surg Oncol 105 : 612─616, 2012
6)Peters WA, et al : Concurrent chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy compared with pelvic radiation therapy alone as adjuvant therapy after radical surgery in high-risk early-stage cancer of the cervix. J Clin Oncol 18 :1606─1613, 2000
7)Angioli R, et al : Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radical surgery followed by chemotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 127 : 290─296, 2012
8)Tattersall MH, et al : A randomized trial of adjuvant chemotherapy after radical hysterectomy in stage Ib-IIa cervical cancer patients with pelvic lymph node metastases. Gynecol Oncol 46 : 176─181, 1992
9)Curtin JP, et al : Adjuvant chemotherapy versus chemotherapy plus pelvic irradiation for high-risk cervical cancer patients after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy(RH-PLND): a randomized phase III trial. Gynecol Oncol 61 : 3─10, 1996
10)Lahousen M, et al : Chemotherapy versus radiotherapy versus observation for high-risk cervical carcinoma after radical hysterectomy : A randomized, prospective, multicenter trial. Gynecol Oncol 73 : 196─201, 1999
11)Sehouli JA, et al : randomized phase III adjuvant study in high-risk cervical cancer : simultaneous radiochemotherapy with cisplatin(S-RC) versus systemic paclitaxel and carboplatin followed by percutaneous radiation(PC-R) : a NOGGO-AGO Intergroup Study. Ann Oncol 23 : 2259─2264, 2012