今月の臨床 遺伝子診療の最前線─着床前,胎児から婦人科がんまで
●DNA修復にかかわる特定の遺伝子(BRCA1/2 やミスマッチ修復遺伝子など)の生殖細胞系変異は,分子標的治療薬のバイオマーカーとなりうる.
1)Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network : Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma. Nature 474 : 609─615, 2011
2)Patch AM, et al : Whole-genome characterization of chemoresistant ovarian cancer. Nature 521 : 489─494, 2015
3)Ledermann J, et al : Olaparib maintenance therapy in platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med 366 : 1382─1392, 2012
4)Swisher EM, et al : Rucaparib in relapsed, platinum-sensitive high-grade ovarian carcinoma(ARIEL2 Part 1) : an international, multicentre, open-label, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol 18 : 75─87, 2017
5)Kim G, et al : FDA approval summary : olaparib monotherapy in patients with deleterious germline BRCA-mutated advanced ovarian cancer treated with three or more lines of chemotherapy. Clin Cancer Res 21 : 4257─4261, 2015
6)Pujade-Lauraine E, et al : Olaparib tablets as maintenance therapy in patients with platinum-sensitive, relapsed ovarian cancer and a BRCA1/2 mutation(SOLO2/ENGOT-Ov21): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2017[Epub ahead of print]
7)Mirza MR, et al : Niraparib maintenance therapy in platinum-sensitive, recurrent ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med 375 : 2154─2164, 2016
8)Hamanishi J, et al : Safety and antitumor activity of anti-PD-1 antibody, nivolumab, in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 33 : 4015─4022, 2015
9)Alexandrov LB, et al : Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer. Nature 500 : 415─421, 2013
10)Dudley JC, et al : Microsatellite instability as a biomarker for PD-1 blockade. Clin Cancer Res 22 : 813─820, 2016
11)Matsushita H, et al : The frequency of neoantigens per somatic mutation rather than overall mutational load or number of predicted neoantigens per se is a prognostic factor in ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Oncoimmunology, 2017
12)Kommoss S, et al : Bevacizumab may differentially improve ovarian cancer outcome in patients with proliferative and mesenchymal molecular subtypes. Clin Cancer Res 23 : 3794─3801, 2017