今月の臨床 産科麻酔パーフェクトガイド
●妊婦の麻酔導入では誤嚥を防止するため迅速導入(rapid sequence induction : RSI)を行うが,一方で気道確保困難にも注意が必要である.
1)日本麻酔科学会(編) : 9.産科麻酔薬.麻酔薬及び麻酔関連薬使用ガイドライン第3版.pp349─51,2015 http://www.anesth.or.jp/guide/index.html(2016.09.25確認)
2)Duggal K : Propofol should be the induction agent of choice for caesarean section under general anesthesia. Int J Obstetic Anesth 12 : 275─279, 2003
3)Devroe S, et al : General anesthesia for caesarean section. Curr Opin Anesthesiol 28 : 240─246, 2015
4)Ngan Kee WD, et al : Maternal and neonatal effects of remifentanil at induction of general anesthesia for caesarean delivery. Anesthesiology 104 : 14─20, 2006
5)Draisci G, et al : Remifentanil for cesarean section under general anesthesia : effects on maternal stress hormone secretion and neonatal well-being : a randomized trial. Int J Obstetic Anesth 17 : 130─136, 2008
6)Ishigaki S, et al : Saline flush after recuronium bolus reduces time and prolongs duration of effect : a randomized clinical trial. Anesth Analg 122 : 706─711, 2016
7)Halaseh BK, et al : The use of ProSeal laryngeal mask airway in caesarean section-experience in 3000 cases. Anaesth Intensive Care 38 : 1023─1028, 2010
8)Flaishon R, et al : Recovery of consciousness after thiopental or propofol. Bispectral index and the isolated forearm technique. Anesthesiology 86 : 613─619, 1997
9)Palahniuk RJ, et al : Pregnancy decreases the requirment for inhaled anesthetic agents. Anesthesiology 41 : 82─83, 1974
10)Ueyama H, et al : Pregnancy does not enhance volatile anesthetic sensitivity on the brain. Anesthesiology 113 : 577─584, 2010
11)Turner RJ, et al : The effects of sevoflurane on isolated gravid human myometrium. Anaesth Intensive Care 30 : 591─596, 2002
12)Thind AS, et al : In vitro effects of propofol on gravid human myometrium. Anaesth Intensive Care 36 : 802─806, 2008
13)Yildiz K, et al : Inhibitory effects of desflurane and sevoflurane on oxytocin-induced contractions of isolated pregnant human myometrium. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 49 : 1355─1359, 2005