今月の臨床 産科麻酔パーフェクトガイド
1)照井克生,他 : 全国の分娩取り扱い施設における麻酔科診療実態調査.厚生労働科学研究費補助金(こども家庭総合研究)分担研究報告書,2009
2)Aiono-Le Tagaloa L, et al : A survey of perioperative and postoperative anesthetic practices for cesarean delivery. Anesthesiol Res Pract 2009 : 510642, 2009
3)Dahl JB, et al : Intraoperative and postoperative analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of intrathecal opioids in patients undergoing cesarean section with spinal anesthesia : a qualitative and quantitative systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Anesthesiology 91 : 1919─1927, 1999
4)Pan PH, et al : Post cesarean delivery pain management : multimodal approach. Int J Obstet Anesth 15 : 185─188, 2006
5)Leung AY, et al : Postoperative pain management in obstetric anesthesia : new challenges and solutions. J Clin Anesth 16 : 57─65, 2004
6)Gadsden J, et al : Post-cesarean delivery analgesia. Anesth Analg 101 : S62─69, 2005
7)Mishriky BM, et al : Transversus abdominis plane block for analgesia after Cesarean delivery : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Can J Anaesth 59 : 766─778, 2012
8)昇 幹夫,他 : モルヒネの硬膜外,くも膜下投与による新しい鎮痛法300症例からみた最適方法および注意点.産婦治療43 : 365─370, 1981
9)田中秀典,他 : 帝王切開術麻酔の現況に関する全国アンケート調査の結果報告.日臨麻会誌33 : 411─420, 2013
10)Siti Salmah G, et al : Comparison of morphine with fentanyl added to intrathecal 0.5%hyperbaric bupivacaine for analgesia after caesarean section. Med J Malaysia 64 : 71─74, 2009
11)Weigl W, et al : Analgesic efficacy of intrathecal fentanyl during the period of highest analgesic demand after cesarean section : a randomized controlled study. Medicine(Baltimore) 95 : e3827, 2016
12)Sultan P, et al : The effect of intrathecal morphine dose on outcomes after elective cesarean delivery : a meta-analysis. Anesth Analg 123 : 154─164, 2016
13)中楯陽介,他 : 帝王切開のための脊髄くも膜下麻酔の統一レジュメの妥当性の検討.麻酔59 : 1216─1223, 2010
14)中村尊子,他 : 帝王切開におけるくも膜下モルヒネ投与による術後鎮痛.麻酔58 : 416─421, 2009
15)Orbach-Zinger S, et al : National survey of postoperative pain control after cesarean delivery. Isr Med Assoc J 16 : 153─156, 2014
16)Krajnik M, et al : Understanding pruritus in systemic disease. J Pain Symptom Manage 21 : 151─168, 2001
17)Szarvas S, et al : Neuraxial opioid-induced pruritus : a review. J Clin Anesth 15 : 234─239, 2003
18)Tamdee D, et al : A randomized controlled trial of pentazocine versus ondansetron for the treatment of intrathecal morphine-induced pruritus in patients undergoing cesarean delivery. Anesth Analg 109 : 1606─1611, 2009
19)Kato R, et al : Delayed respiratory depression associated with 0.15mg intrathecal morphine for cesarean section : a review of 1915 cases. J Anesth 22 : 112─116, 2008
20)Practice guidelines for the prevention, detection, and management of respiratory depression associated with neuraxial opioid administration : an updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Neuraxial Opioids and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Anesthesiology 124 : 535─552, 2016
21)田辺瀬良美,他 : 帝王切開の新しい麻酔法 いかに導入するか帝王切開におけるくも膜下モルヒネ.日臨麻酔会誌33 : 363─368, 2013