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今月の臨床 婦人科がん低侵襲治療の現状と展望〈特別付録web動画〉



著者: 藤堂幸治1

所属機関: 1北海道がんセンター婦人科

ページ範囲:P.322 - P.327





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4)藤堂幸治 : 子宮内膜癌におけるPAN郭清の意義.産婦の実際64 : 615─620, 2015
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10)Odagiri T, et al : Distribution of lymph node metastasis sites in endometrial cancer undergoing systematic pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy : a proposal of optimal lymphadenectomy for future clinical trials. Ann Surg Oncol 21 : 2755─2761, 2014
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13)ASTEC study group : Efficacy of systematic pelvic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer(MRC ASTEC trial) : a randomized study. Lancet 373 : 125─136, 2009
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16)Ballester M, et al : Detection rate and diagnostic accuracy of sentinel-node biopsy in early stage endometrial cancer : a prospective multicentre study(SENTI-ENDO). Lancet Oncol 12 : 469─476, 2011





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