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今月の臨床 婦人科がん低侵襲治療の現状と展望〈特別付録web動画〉



著者: 新倉仁1 八重樫伸生1

所属機関: 1東北大学産婦人科

ページ範囲:P.328 - P.334






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2)Ruscito H, et al : Sentinel node mapping in cervical and endometrial cancer : indocyanine green versus other conventional dyes- a meta-analysis. Ann Surg Oncol 23 : 3749─3756, 2016
3)Buda A, et al : Quality of care for cervical and endometrial cancer patients : the impact of different techniques of sentinel lymph nnode mapping on patient satisfaction. Ann Surg Oncol 23 : 2975─2981, 2016
4)Cormier B, et al : Sentinel lymph node procedure in endometrial cancer : a systematic revew and proposal for standardization of future research. Gynecol Oncol 138 : 478─485, 2015
5)Niikura H, et al : Sentinel lymph node detection in patients with endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol 92 : 669─674, 2004
6)Niikura H, et al : Tracer injection sites and combinations for sentinel lymph node detection in patients with endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol 131 : 299─303, 2013
7)新倉 仁,他 : センチネルリンパ節同定の意義と実際.産婦手術24 : 31─36, 2013
8)Ansari M, et al : Sentinel node biopsy in endometrial cancer : systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 34 : 387─401, 2013
9)Ballester M, et al : Detection rate and diagnostic accuracy of sentinel-node biopsy in early stage endometrial cancer : a prospective multicentre study(SENTI-ENDO). Lancet Oncol 12 : 469─476, 2011
10)Maccauro M, et al : Sentinel lymph node detection following the hysteroscopic peritumoural injection of 99mTc-labelled albumin nanocolloid in endometrial cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 32 : 569─574, 2005
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12)Robova H, et al : Lymphatic mapping in endometrial cancer : comparison of hysteroscopic and subserosal injection and the distribution of sentinel lymph nodes. Int J Gynecol Cancer 19 : 391─394, 2009
13)Solima E, et al : Diagnostic accuracy of sentinel node in endometrial cancer by using hysteroscopic injection of radiolabeled tracer. Gynecol Oncol 126 : 419─423, 2012
14)Kataoka F, et al : Thenimportance of para-aortic lymph nodes in sentinel lymph node mapping for endometrial cancer by using hysteroscopic radio-isotope tracer injection combined with subserosal dye injection : prospective study. Gynecol Oncol 140 : 400─404, 2016
15)Todo Y, et al : Survival effect of para-aortic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer(SEPAL study) : a retrospective cohort analysis. Lancet 375 : 1165─1172, 2010
16)Ballester M, et al : Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of frozen section with imprint cytology forintraoperative examination of sentinel lymph node in early-stage endometrial cancer : results of Senti-Endo study. Ann Surg Oncol 19 : 3515─3521, 2012
17)Nagai T, et al : A new diagnostic method for rapid detection of lymph node metastases using a one-step nucleic acid amplification(OSNA) assay in endometrial cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 22 : 980─986, 2015
18)Lopez-Ruiz ME, et al : One-step nucleic acid amplification(OSNA) for the detection of sentinel lymph node metastasis in endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol 143 : 54─59, 2016





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