今月の臨床 万能幹細胞・幹細胞とゲノム編集─再生医療の進歩が医療を変える
1)Lanphier E, et al : Don't edit the human germ line. Nature 519 : 410─411, 2015
2)Liang P, et al : CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes. Protein Cell 6 : 363─372, 2015
3)Cyranoski D, et al : Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos. Nature, 2015
4)Baltimore D, et al : Biotechnology. A prudent path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification. Science 348 : 36─38, 2015
5)中出翔大,他 : ゲノム編集.ホルモンと臨床62 : 151─156, 2014
6)Kang X, et al : Introducing precise genetic modifications into human 3PN embryos by CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing. J Assist Reprod Genet 33 : 581─588, 2016
7)Petropoulos S, et al : Single-cell RNA-Seq reveals lineage and X chromosome dynamics in human preimplantation embryos. Cell 165 : 1012─1026, 2016
8)Callaway E : UK scientists gain licence to edit genes in human embryos. Nature 530 : 18, 2016
9)Bosley KS, et al : CRISPR germline engineering--the community speaks. Nat Biotechnol 33 : 478─486, 2015