今月の臨床 「産婦人科診療ガイドライン─産科編 2017」の新規項目と改正点
1)Verani JR, et al : Division of Bacterial Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC). Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease-revised guidelines from CDC. MMWR Recomm Rep 59(RR-10) : 1─36, 2010
2)Matsubara K, et al : Early-onset and late-onset group B streptococcal disease in Japan : a nationwide surveillance study, 2004─2010. Int J Infect Dis 17 : e379─e384, 2013
3)松原康策 : 早発型・遅発型B群溶連菌感染症の特徴と垂直感染予防方法の考察.日小児会誌114 : 1681─1691, 2010
4)Chang B, et al : Characteristics of group B Streptococcus isolated from infants with invasive infections : a population-based study in Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis 67 : 356─360, 2014
5)Colbourn T, et al : An overview of the natural history of early onset group B streptococcal disease in the UK. Early Hum Dev 83 : 149─156, 2007
6)Yancey MK, et al : The accuracy of late antenatal screening cultures in predicting genital group B streptococcal colonization at delivery. Obstet Gynecol 88 : 811─815, 1996
7)中村文子,他 : 菌種の推定同定に役立つ培地と使い方.グラム陽性球菌.臨と微生物41 : 419─422, 2014
8)鈴木俊治,他 : GBS妊婦スクリーニングの検討.日産婦東京会誌40 : 445─447, 1991
9)鈴木俊治 : 出生後早期の新生児急変に対応する.日産婦会誌68 : 3133─3136, 2016