今月の臨床 男性不妊アップデート─ARTをする前に知っておきたい基礎知識
1)厚生労働省子ども・子育て支援推進調査研究事業,我が国における男性不妊に対する検査・治療に関する調査研究,平成27年度総括・分担研究報告書(研究代表者 : 湯村 寧),2016
2)Kumar R, et al : Drug therapy for idiopathic male infertility : rationale versus evidence. J Urol 176 : 1307─1312, 2006
3)岡田 弘,他 : 乏精子症患者に対するメチルコノミラミン(CH-B12)の臨床的検討.日泌尿会誌77 : 701─706, 1986
4)Showell MG, et al : Antioxidants for male subfertility. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 19 : CD007411, 2011
5)Ghanem H, et al : Combination clomiphene citrate and antioxidant therapy for idiopathic male infertility : a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril 93 : 2232─2235, 2010
6)ElSheikh MG, et al : Combination of vitamin E and clomiphene citrate in treating patients with idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia : a prospective, randomized trial. Andrology 3 : 864─867, 2015
7)Akmal M, et al : Improvement in human semen quality after oral supplementation of vitamin C. J Med Food 9 : 440─442, 2006
8)Rolf C, et al : Antioxidant treatment of patients with asthenozoospermia or moderate oligoasthenozoospermia with high-dose vitamin C and vitamin E : a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Hum Reprod 14 : 1028─1033, 1999
9)Safarinejad MR : Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 on semen parameters, sperm function and reproductive hormones in infertile men. J Urol 182 : 237─248, 2009
10)Safarinejad MR, et al : Effects of the reduced form of coenzyme Q10(ubiquinol) on semen parameters in men with idiopathic infertility : a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study. J Urol 188 : 526─531, 2012
11)Lenzi A, et al : Use of carnitine therapy in selected cases of male factor infertility : a double-blind crossover trial. Fertil Steril 79 : 292─300, 2003
12)Comhaire FH, et al : Combined conventional/antioxidant “Astaxanthin” treatment for male infertility : a double blind, randomized trial. Asian J Androl 7 : 257─262, 2005
13)岡 伸俊,他 : 男性不妊と亜鉛に関する基礎的研究.泌尿紀要34 : 1─10, 1988
14)Ebisch IM, et al : Does folic acid and zinc sulphate intervention affect endocrine parameters and sperm characteristics in men? Int J Androl 29 : 339─345, 2006
15)Lee MS, et al : The use of maca(Lepidium meyenii) to improve semen quality : a systematic review. Maturitas 92 : 64─69, 2016