今月の臨床 男性不妊アップデート─ARTをする前に知っておきたい基礎知識
1)American Society for Reproductive Medicine : The management of infertility due to obstructive azoospermia. Fertil Steril 90(Suppl 3) : 121─124, 2008
2)Matthews GJ, et al : Patency following microsurgical vasoepididymostomy and vasovasostomy : temporal considerations. J Urol 154 : 2070─2073, 1995
3)Kolettis PN, et al : Vasoepididymostomy for vasectomy reversal : a critical assessment in the era of intracytoplasmic sperm injection. J Urol 158 : 467─470, 1997
4)Silber SJ, et al : Microscopic vasectomy reversal 30 years later : a summary of 4010 cases by the same surgeon. J Androl 25 : 845─59, 2004
5)Taniguchi H, et al : Contemporary outcomes of seminal tract-re-anastomoses for obstructive azoospermia : A nationwide Japanese survey. Int J Urol 22 : 213─218, 2015
6)Shiraishi K, et al : Influence of interstitial fibrosis on spermatogenesis after vasectomy and vasovasostomy. Contraception 65 : 245─249, 2002
7)Hsiao W, et al : Nomograms to predict patency after microsurgical vasectomy reversal. J Urol 187 : 607─612, 2012
8)Peng J, et al : Causes of suspected epididymal obstruction in Chinese men. Urology 80 : 1258─1261, 2012
9)Ostrowski KA, et al : Impact on pregnancy of gross and microscopic vasal fluid during vasectomy reversal. J Urol 194 : 156─159, 2015
10)白石晃司,他 : 閉塞性無精子症に対する精路再建の初期150例の検討.西日泌78 : 299─304, 2016
11)白石晃司,他 : 小児期の手術をの関連が疑われた閉塞性無精子症の検討.日小児泌会誌23 : 6─11, 2014
12)Gudeloglu A,et al : Robot-assisted microsurgery in male infertility and andrology. Urol Clin North Am 41 : 559─566, 2014