今月の臨床 ホルモン補充療法ベストプラクティス─いつから始める? いつまで続ける? 何に注意する?
●一方,結腸がんではETでRR 0.77,EPTで0.88とむしろ低下すると考えられている.
●一方,結腸がんではETでRR 0.77,EPTで0.88とむしろ低下すると考えられている.
1)坂元秀樹 : がんのリスクファクターとしてのホルモン.産と婦71 : 593─602, 2004
2)Fuhrman BJ, et al : Estrogen metabolism and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. J Nat Cancer Inst 104 : 326─339, 2012
3)Santen RJ : Risk of breast cancer with progestins : critical assessment of current data, Steroids 68 : 953─964, 2003
4)Horwitz KB, et al : Progestins in hormone replacement therapies reactivate cancer stem cells in women with preexisting breast cancers : a hypothesis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93 : 3295─3298, 2008
5)細野覚代,他 : 卵巣癌の罹忠と死亡の動向.産と婦79 : 685─690, 2012
6)Anderson GL, et al : Effects of estrogen plus progestin on gynecologic cancers and associated diagnostic procedures : the Women's Health Initiative randomized trial. JAMA 290 : 1739─1748, 2003
7)Pearce CL, et al : Increased ovarian cancer risk associated with menopausal estrogen therapy is reduced by adding a progestin. Cancer 115 : 531─539, 2009
8)Beral V, et al : Menopausal hormone use and ovarian cancer risk : individual participant meta-analysis of 52 epidemiological studies. Lancet 385 : 1835─1842, 2015
9)Morch LS, et a1 : Hormone therapy and ovarian cancer.JAMA 302 : 298─305, 2009
10)日本乳癌学会(編) : 科学的根拠に基づく乳癌診療ガイドライン2 疫学・診断編2015年版.pp37─43,金原出版,2015
11)和泉俊一郎 : プロゲスチンと乳腺.HORM FORNT GYNECOL 17 : 71─80, 2010
12)The Women's Health Initiative Steering Committee : Effects of conjugated equine estrogen in postmenopausal women with hysterectomy. JAMA 291 : 1701─1712, 2004
13)Fournier A, et al : Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies : results from the E3N cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 107 : 103─111, 2008
14)Chlebowski RT,et a1 : Estrogen plus progestin and breast cancer incidence and mortality in postmenopausal women. JAMA 304 : 1684─1692, 2010
15)岡留雅夫 : 子宮がん 子宮がんのリスクを高める女性ホルモン.臨と研93 : 814─818, 2016
16)Allen NE, et al : Endogenous sex hormones and endometrial cancer risk in women in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition(EPIC). Endocr Relat Cancer 15 : 485─497, 2008
17)Hildebrand JS, et al : Colorectal cancer incidence and postmenopausal hormone use by type, recency, and duration in cancer prevention study II. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18 : 2835─2841, 2009
18)Mørch LS, et al : The influence of hormone therapies on colon and rectal cancer. Eur J Epidemiol 31 : 481─489, 2016