増刊号 産婦人科外来パーフェクトガイド─いまのトレンドを逃さずチェック!
【症状編】代表的な症状からの疾患鑑別 《婦人科外来》
1)日本超音波学会用語・診断基準委員会 : 卵巣腫瘍のエコーパターン分類の公示について.J Med Ulrasonics 27 : 912─914, 2000
2)Kobayashi H, et al : Risk of developing ovarian cancer among women with ovarian endometrioma : a cohort study in Shizuoka, Japan. Int J Gynecol Cancer 17 : 37─47, 2007
3)The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists : Evaluation and management of adnexal masses. Practice Bulletin 174 : 1─17, 2016
4)Sölétormos G, et al : Clinical use of cancer biomarkers in epithelial ovarian cancer : updated guidelines from the European Group on Tumor Markers. Int J Gynecol Cancer 26 : 43─51, 2016
5)Jacobs IJ, et al : Risk of diagnosis of ovarian cancer after raised serum CA 125 concentration : a prospective cohort study. BMJ 313 : 1355─1358, 1996
6)Chudecka G, et al : Diagnostic usefulness of the risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm using the electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for HE4 and the chemiluminescence microparticle immunoassay for CA125. Oncol Lett 12 : 3101─3114, 2016
7)Houry D, et al : Ovarian torsion : a fifteen-year review. Ann Emerg Med 38 : 156─159, 2001
8)Acazar JL, et al : Is expectant management of sonographically benign adnexal cysts an option in selected asymptomatic premenopausal women? Hum Reprod 20 : 3231─3234, 2005
9)梁 栄治,他 : 卵巣出血,出血性黄体嚢胞.産と婦97 : 365─370, 2002