今月の臨床 精子・卵子保存法の現在─「産む」選択肢をあきらめないために
1)加藤恵一 : ARTにおける低卵巣刺激法と調節過排卵刺激法の違い.産婦の実際66 : 1801─1806, 2017
2)Borm G, et al : Treatment with the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist ganirelix in women undergoing ovarian stimulation with recombinant follicle stimulation hormone is effective, safe and convenient : results of a controlled, randomized, multicenter trial. The European Orgalutran Study Group. Hum Reprod 15 : 1490─1498, 2000
3)Kato K, et al : Minimal ovarian stimulation combined with elective single embryotransfer policy : age-specific results of a large, single-centre, Japanese cohort. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 10 : 35, 2012
4)Chavez-MacGregor M, et al : Delayed initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy among patients with breast cancer. JAMA oncology 2 : 322─329, 2016
5)日本乳癌学会 : 患者さんのための乳がん診療ガイドライン Q34.金原出版,2016.参照 http://jbcs.gr.jp/guidline/p2016/guidline/g4/q34/