今月の臨床 症例検討会で突っ込まれないための“実践的”婦人科画像の読み方
部位別各論 : 子宮体部
1)Oliva E, et al : Tumours of the uterine corpus, Mesenchymal tumours. WHO classification of tumours of female reproductive organs. 4th ed(Kurman RJ et al eds). pp135─141, Lyon, 2013
2)田中優美子 : 婦人科の画像診断.pp66─84, pp207─222,金原出版,2014
3)Lakhman Y, et al : Differentiation of uterine leiomyosarcoma from atypical leiomyoma : diagnostic accuracy of qualitative MR imaging features and feasibility of texture analysis. Eur Radiol 27 : 2903─2915, 2017
4)Lin G, et al : Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI in the differentiation between uterine leiomyosarcoma/smooth muscle tumor with uncertain malignant potential and benign leiomyoma. J Magn Reson Imaging 43 : 333─342, 2016