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今月の臨床 症例検討会で突っ込まれないための“実践的”婦人科画像の読み方

部位別各論 : 卵巣


著者: 棚瀬康仁1 小林浩1

所属機関: 1奈良県立医科大学産科婦人科学教室

ページ範囲:P.912 - P.918






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11)Yeh CC, et al : Women with adenomyosis are at higher risks of endometrial and thyroid cancers : a population-based historical cohort study. PLoS One 13 : e0194011, 2018
12)Poole EM, et al : Endometriosis and risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers in a large prospective cohort of U.S. nurses. Cancer Causes Control 28 : 437─445, 2017
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15)Tanase Y, et al : Malignant transformation from endometriosis to atypical endometriosis and finally to endometrioid adenocarcinoma within 10 years. Case Rep Oncol 21 : 480─484, 2013





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