今月の臨床 進化する子宮筋腫診療―診断から最新治療・合併症まで
1)Fujii S, et al : Progesterone-induced smooth muscle-like cells in the subperitoneal nodules produced by estrogen. Experimental approach to leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata. Am J Obstet Gynecol 139 : 164-172, 1981
2)Kawaguchi K, et al : Mitotic activity in uterine leiomyomas during the menstrual cycle. Am J Obstet Gynecol 160 : 637-641, 1989
3)Kawaguchi K, et al : Immunohistochemical analysis of oestrogen receptors, progesterone receptors and Ki-67 in leiomyoma and myometrium during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol 419 : 309-315, 1991
4)Ishikawa H, et al : Progesterone is essential for maintenance and growth of uterine leiomyoma. Endocrinology 151 : 2433-2442, 2010
5)Trefoux Bourdet A, et al : Clinical utility of ulipristal acetate for the treatment of uterinefibroids : Current evidence. Int J Womens Health 7 : 321-330, 2015
6)Williams AR, et al : Endometrial morphology after treatment of uterinefibroids with the selective progester¬one receptor modulator, ulipristal acetate. Int J Gynecol Pathol 31 : 556-569, 2012
7)Dinh A, et al : A review of the endometrial histologic effects of progestins and progesterone receptor modulators in reproductive age women. Contraception 91 : 360-367, 2015
8)Donnez J, et al : Uterinefibroid management : from the present to the future. Hum Reprod Update 22 : 665-686, 2016
9)Donnez J, et al : Ulipristal acetate versus placebo forfibroid treatment before surgery. N Engl J Med 366 : 409-420, 2012
10)Donnez J, et al : Ulipristal acetate versus leuprolide acetate for uterinefibroids. N Engl J Med 366 : 421-432, 2012
11)Donnez J, et al : Long-term treatment of uterinefibroids with ulipristal acetate. FertilSteril 101 : 1565-1573, 2014
12)Donnez J, et al : Efficacy and safety of repeated use of ulipristal acetate in uterinefibroids. FertilSteril 103 : 519-527, 2015
13)Luyckx M, et al : Firstseries of 18 pregnancies after ulipristal acetate treatment for uterinefibroids. FertilSteril 102 : 1404-1409, 2014