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今月の臨床 産婦人科領域で話題の新技術―時代の潮流に乗り遅れないための羅針盤

Part2 : 注目の最新技術 【周産期】


著者: 長谷川冬雪12 西山深雪2 秦健一郎13 左合治彦2

所属機関: 1国立成育医療研究センター研究所バイオバンク 2国立成育医療研究センター病院周産期・母性診療センター 3国立成育医療研究センター研究所周産期病態研究部

ページ範囲:P.1199 - P.1205


●胎児異常のなかには,エクソーム解析(whole exome sequence : WES)によって,遺伝性疾患と診断できる症例がある.




1)de Koning MA, et al : From diagnostic yield to clinical impact : a pilot study on the implementation of prenatal exome sequencing in routine care. Genet Med, 2019[Epub ahead of print]
2)Stavropoulos DJ, et al : whole genome sequencing expands diagnostic utility and improves clinical management in pediatric medicine. NPJ Genom Med 1. pii : 15012, 2016
3)Committee on Genetics and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine : Committee Opinion No. 682 Summary : microarrays and next-generation sequencing technology : the use of advanced genetic diagnostic tools in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstet Gynecol 128 : 1462-1463, 2016
4)International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis ; Society for Maternal and Fetal Medicine ; Perinatal Quality Foundation : Joint Position Statement from the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis(ISPD), the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine(SMFM), and the Perinatal Quality Foundation(PQF)on the use of genome-wide sequencing for fetal diagnosis. Prenat Diagn 38 : 6-9, 2018
5)Chandler N, et al : Rapid prenatal diagnosis using targeted exome sequencing : a cohort study to assess feasibility and potential impact on prenatal counseling and pregnancy management. Genet Med 20 : 1430-1437, 2018
6)Fu F, et al : Whole exome sequencing as a diagnostic adjunct to clinical testing in fetuses with structural abnormalities. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 51 : 493-502, 2018
7)Petrovski S, et al : Whole-exome sequencing in the evaluation of fetal structural anomalies : a prospective cohort study. Lancet 393 : 758-767, 2019
8)Lord J, et al : Prenatal exome sequencing analysis in fetal structural anomalies detected by ultrasonography(PAGE) : a cohort study. Lancet 393 : 747-757, 2019
9)Yadava SM, et al : Whole exome sequencing for prenatal diagnosis in cases with fetal anomalies : Criteria to improve diagnostic yield. J Genet Couns 28 : 251-255, 2019
10)French CE, et al : Whole genome sequencing reveals that genetic conditions are frequent in intensively ill children. Intensive Care Med 45 : 627-636, 2019





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