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今月の臨床 産婦人科領域で話題の新技術―時代の潮流に乗り遅れないための羅針盤

Part2 : 注目の最新技術 【周産期】


著者: 不破一将1 早川智2

所属機関: 1日本大学医学部小児科学系小児科学分野 2日本大学医学部病態病理学系微生物学分野

ページ範囲:P.1207 - P.1212






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2)Viscardi RM : Ureaplasma species : role in neonatal morbidities and outcomes. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 99 : F87-F92, 2014
3)Volgmann T, et al : Ureaplasma urealyticum-harmless commensal or underestimated enemy of human reproduction? A review. Arc Gynecol Obstet 273 : 133-139, 2005
4)Robertson JA, et al : Proposal of Ureaplasma parvum sp. nov. and emended description of Ureaplasma urealyticum (Shepard et al : 1974) Robertson et al : 2001. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 52 : 587-597, 2002
5)Raynes-Greenow CH, et al : Antibiotics for ureaplasma in the vagina in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (1) : Cd003767, 2011
6)Grigsby PL, et al : Maternal azithromycin therapy for Ureaplasma intraamniotic infection delays preterm delivery and reduces fetal lung injury in a primate model. Am J Obstet Gynecol 207 : 475.e471-475.e414, 2012
7)Acosta EP, et al : Transplacental transfer of Azithromycin and its use for eradicating intra-amniotic ureaplasma infection in a primate model. J Infect Dis 209 : 898-904, 2014
8)Miura Y, et al : Maternal intravenous treatment with either azithromycin or solithromycin clears Ureaplasma parvum from the amniotic fluid in an ovine model of intrauterine infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 58 : 5413-5420, 2014
9)Notomi T, et al : Loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP) : principle, features, and future prospects. J Microbiol 53 : 1-5, 2015
10)Kim DW, et al : The enhanced pneumococcal LAMP assay : a clinical tool for the diagnosis of meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. PloS One 7 : e42954, 2012
11)Kakuya F, et al : Genetic point-of-care diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection using LAMP assay. Pediatr Int 56 : 547-552, 2014
12)Moon SH, et al : Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in sputum specimens using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay in Korea. J Med Microbiol 64 : 1335-1340, 2015
13)Takano C, et al : Development of a novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification method to detect Guiana extended-spectrum(GES) beta-lactamase genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Front Microbiol 10 : 25, 2019
14)Ushijima H, et al : Sensitive and rapid detection of campylobacter species from stools of children with diarrhea in Japan by the loop-mediated isothermal amplification method. Jpn Infect Dis 67 : 374-378, 2014
15)Fuwa K, et al : Rapid and simple detection of Ureaplasma species from vaginal swab samples using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method. Am J Reprod Immunol 79, 2018





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