今月の臨床 産婦人科領域で話題の新技術―時代の潮流に乗り遅れないための羅針盤
Part2 : 注目の最新技術 【生殖医療】
1)Filicori M, et al : Conservative approach to the management of uterine leiomyoma : pituitary desensitization by a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue. Am J Obstet Gynecol 147 : 726-727, 1983
2)石原 理,他 : 閉経期以前の子宮筋腫に対するGnRHアゴニスト療法.産婦の世界52 : 681-688, 2000
3)Kettel LM, et al : Rapid regression of uterine leiomyomas in response to daily administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist. Fertil Steril 660 : 642-646, 1993
4)Felberbaum RE, et al : Treatment of uterine fibroids with a slow-release formulation of the gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonist Cetrorelix. Hum Reprod 13 : 1660-1668, 1998
5)石原 理,他 : GnRHアンタゴニストの臨床応用―子宮筋腫.産と婦71 : 301-307, 2004
6)Tukun FL, et al : Rcent development of non-peptide GnRH antagoists. Molecules 22. pii : 2188, 2017
7)Markham A : Relugolix : First global approval. Drugs 79 : 675-679, 2019
8)Osuga Y, et al : Oral gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist relugolix compared with leuprorelin injections for uterine leiomyomas. Obstet Gynecol 133 : 423-433, 2019
9)Archer DF, et al : Elagolix for the management of heavy menstrual bleeding associated with uterine fibroids : results from a phase 2a proof-of-concept study. Fertil Steril 108 : 152-160, 2017
10)Carr BR, et al : Elagolix alone or add-back therapy in women with heavy menstrual bleeding and uterine leiomyomas. Obstet Gynecol 132 : 1252-1264, 2018
11)Vercellini P, et al : Elagolix for endometriosis : all that glitters is not good. Hum Reprod 34 : 193-199, 2019
12)Farris M, et al : Uterine fibroids : an update on current and emerging medical treatment options. Therap Clin Risk Management 15 : 157-178, 2019
13)Donnez J, et al : With the advent of selective progesterone receptor modulators, what is the place of myoma surgery in current practice? Fertil Steril 102 : 640-648, 2014