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今月の臨床 産婦人科領域で話題の新技術―時代の潮流に乗り遅れないための羅針盤

Part2 : 注目の最新技術 【腫瘍】


著者: 永石匡司12

所属機関: 1日本大学医学部産婦人科学系産婦人科学分野 2日本大学病院産婦人科

ページ範囲:P.1235 - P.1241







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22)Dayyani F, et al : Diagnostic performance of risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm against CA125 and HE4 in connection with ovarian cancer : a meta-analysis. Int J Gynecol Cancer 26 : 1586-1593, 2016
23)Ikeda Y, et al : The risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm(ROMA) as a predictive marker of peritoneal dissemination in epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Oncol Res Treat 38 : 276-281, 2015
24)Karlsen MA, et al : A novel diagnostic index combining HE4, CA125 and age may improve triage of women with suspected ovarian cancer-An international multicenter study in women with an ovarian mass. Gynecol Oncol 138 : 640-646, 2015
25)Piovano E, et al : The role of HE4 in ovarian cancer follow-up : a review. Int J Gynecol Cancer 24 : 1359-1365, 2014
26)Zhu L, et al : Overexpression of HE4(human epididymis protein 4)enhances proliferation, invasion and metastasis of ovarian cancer. Oncotarget 7 : 729-744, 2016
27)Hu L,et al : Comparison of serum human epididymis protein 4 and carbohydrate antigen 125 as markers in endometrial cancer : a meta-analysis. Int J Gynecol Cancer 26 : 331-340, 2016





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