今月の臨床 NIPT新時代の幕開け―検査の実際と将来展望
1)日本産科婦人科学会 : 母体血を用いた新しい出生前遺伝学的検査に関する指針.http://www.jsog.or.jp/news/pdf/guidelineForNIPT_20130309.pdf
2)佐々木愛子,他 : 日本における出生前遺伝学的検査の動向1998-2016.日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌54 : 101-107, 2018
3)Sago H, et al : Nationwide demonstration project of next-generation sequencing of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma in Japan : 1-year experience. Prenat Diagn 35 : 331-336, 2015
4)Samura O, et al : Current status of non-invasive prenatal testing in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 43 : 1245-1255, 2017
5)Suzumori N, et al : Fetal cell-free DNA fraction in maternal plasma is affected by fetal trisomy. J Hum Genet 61 : 647-652, 2016
6)Yotsumoto J, et al : A survey on awareness of genetic counseling for non-invasive prenatal testing : the first year experience in Japan. J Hum Genet 61 : 995-1001, 2016
7)Nishiyama M, et al : Factors affecting parental decisions to terminate pregnancy in the presence of chromosome abnormalities : a Japanese multicenter study. Prenat Diagn 36 : 1121-1126, 2016
8)Suzumori N, et al : Fetal cell-free DNA fraction in maternal plasma for prediction of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 224 : 165-169, 2018
9)Yamada T, et al : Maternal age-specific risk for trisomy 21 based on the clinical performance of NIPT and empirically derived NIPT age-specific positive and negative predictive values in Japan. J Hum Genet 63 : 1035-1040, 2018