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今月の臨床 いまさら聞けない 体外受精法と胚培養の基礎知識


著者: 原田竜也1

所属機関: 1東京医科歯科大学周産・女性診療科

ページ範囲:P.310 - P.316






1)Kattera S, et al : Short coincubation of gametes in in vitro fertilization improves implantation and pregnancy rates : a prospective, randomized, controlled study. Fertil Steril 80 : 1017-1021, 2003
2)Palermo G, et al : Pregnancies after intracytoplasmic sperm injection of single spermatozoon into an oocyte. Lancet 340 : 17-18, 1992
3)Chen C, et al : Rescue ICSI of oocytes that failed to extrude the second polar body 6 h post-insemination in conventional IVF. Hum Reprod 18 : 2118-2121, 2003
4)Murugesu S, et al : Does the use of calcium ionophore during artificial oocyte activation demonstrate an effect on pregnancy rate? A meta-analysis. Fertil Steril 108 : 468-482, 2017
5)Kimura Y, et al : Intracytoplasmic sperm injection in the mouse. Biol Reprod 52 : 709-720, 1995
6)Hiraoka K, et al : Clinical efficiency of Piezo-ICSI using micropipettes with a wall thickness of 0.625 μm. J Assist Reprod Genet 32 : 1827-1833, 2015
7)Bhattacharya S, et al : Conventional in-vitro fertilisation versus intracytoplasmic sperm injection for the treatment of non-male-factor infertility : a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 357 : 2075-2079, 2001
8)Kastrop PM, et al : Microbial contamination of embryo cultures in an ART laboratory : sources and management. Hum Reprod 22 : 2243-2248, 2007
9)Belva F, et al : Neonatal outcome of 937 children born after transfer of cryopreserved embryos obtained by ICSI and IVF and comparison with outcome data of fresh ICSI and IVF cycles. Hum Reprod 23 : 2227-2238, 2008
10)Georgiou I, et al : Genetic and epigenetic risks of intracytoplasmic sperm injection method. Asian J Androl 8 : 643-673, 2006
11)Davies MJ, et al : Reproductive technologies and the risk of birth defects. N Engl J Med 366 : 1803-1813, 2012
12)Boulet SL, et al : Assisted Reproductive Technology and Birth Defects Among Liveborn Infants in Florida, Massachusetts, and Michigan, 2000-2010. JAMA Pediatr 170 : e154934, 2016
13)Fedder J, et al : Neonatal outcome and congenital malformations in children born after ICSI with testicular or epididymal sperm : a controlled national cohort study. Hum Reprod 28 : 230-240, 2013
14)Miller N, et al : Oocyte activation by calcium ionophore and congenital birth defects : a retrospective cohort study. Fertil Steril 106 : 590-596, 2016
15)Lazaraviciute G, et al : systematic review and meta-analysis of DNA methylation levels and imprinting disorders in children conceived by IVF/ICSI compared with children conceived spontaneously. Hum Reprod Update 20 : 840-852, 2014
16)Fountain C, et al : Association between assisted reproductive technology conception and autism in California, 1997-2007. Am J Public Health 105 : 963-971, 2015
17)Sandin S, et al : Autism and mental retardation among offspring born after in vitro fertilization. JAMA 310 : 75-84, 2013





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