今月の臨床 いまさら聞けない 体外受精法と胚培養の基礎知識
●胚の成長に合わせたsequential mediumと胚の選択吸収に任せたsingle mediumが作製され,効果は同等であり,その長短を理解して選ぶべきである.
●胚の成長に合わせたsequential mediumと胚の選択吸収に任せたsingle mediumが作製され,効果は同等であり,その長短を理解して選ぶべきである.
1)八尾竜馬 : 培養液の基礎理論.日本卵子学会(編) : 生殖補助医療(ART)胚培養の理論と実際.pp200-211,近代出版,2017
2)Lippes J, et al : The collection and analysis of human fallopian tubal fluid. Contraception 5 : 85-103, 1972
3)Borland RM, et al : Elemental composition of fluid in the human Fallopian tube. J Reprod Fertil 58 : 479-482, 1980
4)Quinn P : Enhanced results in mouse and human embryo culture using a modified human tubal fluid medium lacking glucose and phosphate. J Assist Reprod Genet 12 : 97-105, 1995
5)Gardner DK, et al : Environment of the preimplantation human embryo in vivo : metabolite analysis of oviduct and uterine fluids and metabolism of cumulus cells. Fertil Steril 65 : 349-353, 1996
6)Utsunomiya T, et al : A prospective, randomized study : day 3 versus hatching blastocyst stage. Hum Reprod 19 : 1598-1603, 2004
7)Biggers JD, et al : The development of fertilized human ova to the blastocyst stage in KSOMAA medium : is a two-step protocol necessary? Reprod Biomed Online 5 : 133-140, 2002
8)Gardner DK, et al : Towards a single embryo transfer. Reprod Biomed Online 6 : 470-481, 2003
9)Reed ML, et al : Continuous uninterrupted single medium culture without medium renewal versus sequential media culture : a sibling embryo study. Fertil Steril 92 : 1783-1786, 2009
10)Paternot G, et al : Early embryo development in a sequential versus single medium : a randomized study. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 8 : 83, 2010
11)Ciray HN, et al : Time-lapse evaluation of human embryo development in single versus sequential culture media--a sibling oocyte study. J Assist Reprod Genet 29 : 891-900, 2012