今月の臨床 いまさら聞けない 体外受精法と胚培養の基礎知識
1)日本産科婦人科学会 登録・調査小委員会 : ART登録データブック,2016
2)Harton GL, et al : Diminished effect of maternal age on implantation after preimplantation genetic diagnosis with array comparative genomic hybridization. FertilSteril 100 : 1695-703, 2013
3)M Noayeri, et al : The effect of preimplantation genetic screening on implantation rate in women over 35 years of age. Cell J 18 : 13-20, 2016
4)Diez-Juan A, et al : Mitochondrial DNA content as a viability score in human euploid embryos : less is better. FertilSteril 104 : 534-541, 2015
5)Inés Barañao R, et al : Interleukin-1 beta levels in human embryo culture supernatants and their predictive value for pregnancy. Early Hum Dev 25 : 71-80, 1997
6)Gott AL, et al : Non-invasive measurement of pyruvate and glucose uptake and lactate production by single human preimplantation embryos. Hum Reprod 5 : 104-108, 1990
7)Empson M, et al : Prevention of recurrent miscarriage for women with antiphospholipid antibody or lupus anticoagulant. Cochrane Database SystRev 2 : CD002859, 2005
8)Sugiura-Ogasawara M, et al : Midline uterine defect size is correlated with miscarriage of euploid embruos in recurrent cases. FertilSteril 93 : 1983-1988, 2010
9)Zeyneloglu HB, et al : Adverse effects of hydrosalpinx on pregnancy rates after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. FertilSteril 70 : 492-499, 1998
10)Moreno I, et al : Evidence that the endometrial microbiota has an effect on implantation success or failure. Am J Obstet Gynecol 215 : 684-703, 2016
11)Kyono K, et al : A pilotstudy and case reports on endometrial microbiota and pregnancy outcome : An analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequencing among IVF patients, and trial therapeutic intervention for dysbiotic endometrium. Reprod Med Biol 18 : 72-82, 2018
12)Ruiz-Alonso M, et al : What a difference two days make : “personalized” embryo transfer(pET) paradigm : a case report and pilotstudy. Hum Reprod 29 : 1244-1247, 2014